Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

hello everyone.

For some reason my wiimote or sensor bar stopped working. All the button commands still work, but i can not see/ use the pointer. When i try to sync the wii mote only 3 lights blink as apposed to 4 (correct?)
que 4/3/2/1 light(s) flashing when being detected by the Wii is the battery level i think
Wii CD drive failed and failing to read any of my 3 games

Hi ive had my wii out of the box only from 25th december and it died on the 30th of december!!! it lasted 5 days!!!

Ive had it sat on my desk upright with the clear stand below it to keep it up and its had full air access around it.

My CD drive is failing to read any of my 4 Wii games that ive had.

Symptoms were - Loaded Wii play as it was loading myself and my girlfriend both heard a crunching sound come from the Wii, we got as far as selecting our Mii's and just as i selected the pigeon shooting game the standard message appeared about not being able to read the CD and suggested cleaning the disc , power off etc...

All of which ive tried and now no games load at all and i just get the error which says its unable to read any CD's i put in!!!

You can guess iam not happy as now i have to wait until new year is over before i can even contact Nintendo for a replacement...

Iam very worried though from what ive read on this thread as it sounds like multiple Wii's are failing from this same CD drive failure...

This failure has reminded me why years ago on my PC when i also had a slot loading CD drive which also failed due to it not properly picking up and centering the CD's when they are loaded...

I hope this isnt going to be a major problem with the Wii... But from what ive read, possible more than 20 other people have had exactly the same problem here.

I will be contacting nintendo on tues/weds of this week depending when they are open again to find out how i go about sending this back to the company that deal with the replacements, i also hope they have spares waiting else ill be very unhappy...

This ruined my new years party as it was going to be the center of attention for my friends who wanted to play it!!

I'd love to here from the other guys in this thread about how they are getting on with there new Wii's??

With my Wii currently broken you can clearly hear when you insert any CD that its not picking it up properly as you hear clicking and clunking noises from the drive mechanism trying to load the CD but its failing..

I've also tried putting my Wii horizontally, at first it wouldnt even load the CD's this way, but then after a few attempts it did, but with the same errors..

Ill keep you posted.
Loading Wii Games

Ever since I bought my Wii on launch, I have been experiencing problems concerning inserting Wii Games. Occasionally when inserting a Wii game I hear a weird repetitive noise that keeps occurring and then a error messages appears which states for you to remove any disk inserted and turning the Wii off, or no error message appears and the game does not show via Wii Menu. This doesn't happen all the time but happens at least once a day when I'm using my Wii.

This situation has occurred concerning all of my games, and that I don't believe the problem is to do with the Wii games I have purchased

Anyone else experiencing similar problems, if so let us know

if you have strange problems with your Wii, contact Nintendo and they will surely replace it for free.

or contact the store where you bought it, because i guess it's surely still on the store warranty (here it's 90-days warranty for new systems, bought it in an EBGames on Nov.19, but i bought the 1-year warranty with them)
RaptorZX3 said:
if you have strange problems with your Wii, contact Nintendo and they will surely replace it for free.

or contact the store where you bought it, because i guess it's surely still on the store warranty (here it's 90-days warranty for new systems, bought it in an EBGames on Nov.19, but i bought the 1-year warranty with them)

From what ive seen others have to do is you have to send it back to your local nintendo base, mine is here in uk plymouth, and they do indeed replace it from what ive heard, ill keep you posted as iam going to be speaking to them tommorow.

as for the other dude having strange noises from his wii, this is not good, as this is what mine does now in its broken state...
It will be intersting to hear what Nintendo have to say when you get in touch with them nikb98 becuase I also live in the UK. I can't phone them today because I'm in work but I e-mailed them last week and they still have not go back to me which is annoying, I want to get this sorted out as soon as possible. What sort of noises does your Wii make, nikb98?
Nicktendo86 said:
It will be intersting to hear what Nintendo have to say when you get in touch with them nikb98 becuase I also live in the UK. I can't phone them today because I'm in work but I e-mailed them last week and they still have not go back to me which is annoying, I want to get this sorted out as soon as possible. What sort of noises does your Wii make, nikb98?

Well ive been calling the support number in the uk all day 2day and got engaged tone everytime, ive got through once and it said i had to wait 30mins as i was in a queue...

i waited but my landline which is a portable ran out of power when i was at 8mins to go!!!

so now calling them from my mobile...


as for the noises it makes clunking and whirring noises when u insert a CD, as if its trying to center / read it ...

not happy with nintendo..

i will be speaking to the place i bought my wii from tommorow to see if they could also replace it for me, but they are shut today and back open tommorow..

keep u posted
this has happened only once and it was on christmas day.i played wii sports for about half an hour and got bored so i went to wii menu and ejected wii sports disc and put in zelda.clicked on start at disc selection and the screen went black and a message saying restart wii.so i pressed restart on console and nothing happened so i had to turn it off at the mains after restarting the console again it was fine and played zelda without me rejecting the disc.

any thoughts of what it could be
No idea what that could be fablerules but my console has locked up a couple of times and I've had to pull out the mains. Never payed much attention to it though as I've played the Wii for many many hours and thought it was just a bit hot. I don't think your problem will become an issue if its just happened once so I wouldn't worry :)
hi all, well after a very long day of trying from 9am right through to 4.30pm!!! of calling nintendo's support line i finally got through in to the queue and then had to wait for 1hour 19mins before being spoken too.

I explained my hardware failure problem to the guy i spoke to Mike and he said ok you can send the console back to us and we will replace it for a new one, or i could risk sending back to where id bought it and they would replace it but they wouldnt have any stock i expect.

SO i rushed to the post office this evening and sent just the console nothing else in a cardboard box and a note telling them what the problem is and my address and a print out of my invoice for purchasing it, this is all they require...

i now have to wait until appx thursday when they will receive it, then they have told me they are prioritising boxes labelled Wii before any other nintendo hardware for replacements.
so when it arrives he said they will simply send me a new one.

I dont expect a new Wii back now until next week Monday realistically..

I shall keep you posted until i get it back.

I have sent it recorded delivery but i wont easily be able to get updates from nintendo whilst its theres as its nigh on impossible to get through to them!!! so ill just check the delivery website to make sure the package arrives thursday.


p.s. If you too have a broken Wii, Simply send it back to nintendo at the following address, and remember to include a note detailing problem, your address and your invoice for purchase from where ever you got yours.

Address is,

Nintendo Sevice center
Walton Road
Yeah I tried phoning Nintendo earlier. In the end I got into the back of a 41 minute line so I just sent them another e-mail instead. It's so annoying I just want an answer to my problem. How did you sent you Wii Nick, just stuffed it in a box? I might just send mine in and hope for the best.
Well I've FINALLY found a forum that has people with the EXACT same problem as me.


The first poster puts it perfectly, a vibrating noise that came out of the blue. Apparently Nintendo says its "a drive balance issue that creates a "disc wobble". They said it is very uncommon".

Well all I have to do now is get in touch with Nintendo, if their phone lines aren't too jammed!

We're having a problem with our Wii/Remote that sounds similar to what others are experiencing, but slightly different.

Everything was fine for the first few days, then while playing Zelda TP, we lost the ability to use our sword and to use the "-" and "+" buttons to access the Items and Collections screens. We then switched to another game, Avatar. We had all functions of the Remote, but it was slow reacting and jerky. Eventually however, we again lost function of the Remote, except for the "A" and "B" buttons. Switched to Wii Sports, same thing. No use of Remote except for the "A" and "B" buttons.

The strange part is that when in the Wii Menu, the Remote functions properly. You can navigate left and right using the "-" and "+" buttons and have full use of the curser.

I have checked the Sensor Bar, checked it's sensitivity, synced the Remote numerous times the normal way and by clearing all Remote data and syncing again, installed new batteries, unplugged the Console and removed the batteries for an hour and resynced. All with no difference. Limited Remote functionality except when navigating through the Wii Menu.

I haven't been able to try a new Remote because I can't find one anywhere as of yet. I'm going to call Nintendo today.

Anyone else having this problem? It seems very odd that the Remote works in the Menu and not with any games.
remote problem

having another remote issue here.

we bought an extra remote and both have been used extensively for a week now. for some reason today, one remote isn't functioning properly.

you can use it OK in the menu screens; pressing A / B for menu functions works fine, but once in a game (wii sports) B stops working properly. (ie, the tennis swing is not working right, the bowling release B "throw" doesn't work, etc.)

the other remote is still working fine.

i used them both side by side trying to figure it out, so i don't see how it could be a lighting issue or a distance issue. it's not like the B button is sticking or anything, because it works fine in the menus.


the only thing i haven't tried is doing the synch on the remote and the box at the same time -- i'm going to try that now after reading the suggestion here in the forum.

fingers crossed that it doesn't mess up the other remote. my son will kill me - or at the very least erase my mii.

well, the synch didn't work. and the other remote stopped working intitially so i had to do a synch on that one. luckily one is working now.

the other is not only still not working in the game, now it won't even let me hit A and B at the same time to start a game......
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