farcry vengence:Review it for me please


Apr 11, 2007
Wii Online Code
is farcry a good game on the wii, im wounderin because i hav read a review on it and it said it sucked but some reviews are really wrong so im wonderin cuz it looks sweet.

wat r the pros and cons bout it?

The reviews are not wrong. It definitely sucks! I rented it and tried to get Blockbuster to boycott it!!
i beg to differ. If you can look past some ps2ish graphics i found the game enjoyable. True the AI is a little dumb ,but if you are looking to have fun going balls out shooting then Far Cry is a good game to go with ,and you can get at EB/gamestop for 20 bux so its good enough at that price.
The graphics are horrible. I wouldn't even compare them to "PS2ish". The sniper gun is pointless because you can even see people that are far away. I was walking on the beach when all of a sudden, a guy appeared in front of me and I had to shoot him. The seeing distance is horrible and the graphics in the distance are worse. The characters don't even seem that life like at all. This is all coming from a FarCry fanatic on the PC! It's still one of my all times favs on the PC. But for the wii, it's a disappointment.
Basically, if you can get the game for PC, I'd go with the PC version every time (this applies to all games).
I use to own it and all I have to say is stay away from it u can spend your money on better things!
-Graphics look worse than an N64 game!
-AI is as dumb as it can get
-framrate is terrible especially in cutscenes!
This entire game is a disgrace to the Wii and players!
-the controls are improvment over red steels
oh come on the graphics look nothing like N64. They look like an early ps2/dreamcast game at worst. I never had problems with using the sniper rifle, and seeing. I actually found it quite useful ,and used it quite a bit. Although this was my first experince with the Far Cry series.
the way i see it is it cost 19.95 in most retail stores now... if you are looking for something to spend your money on thats not great but you can still have fun playing it then buy it but if you are not on a budget the buy super paper mario if its out in Austraila. If its not then go with wario ware smooths moves or if you want a shooter get Metal Slug Anthology
I personally thought it was one of the worst games for the wii. The textures are bland and the AI sucks even worse.
Good things? Errr....I'll get back to you on that. *Runs away.*

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