Game help

chain blade

I love my wii!!!
Jan 15, 2007
Virginia,Co.cavan Ireland
Wii Online Code
Hi all!:D i wanted to get some oppinions here,coz i was playing zelda last thurs right?and i deleated te save by mistake:prrr: :prrr: :prrr: and i was just about to enter the water temple!anyway im really pissed off bout dat so i was wonderin wats another good game?or should i start zelda again,even though i reallllly dont wanna?please help Thanks!
Well I beat Zelda Twilight Princess and really the water temple isnt that far in the game, if u remember what to do through out the game it should be breeze to get back to the water temple. I say go for it, so if u ever need help, talk to me. My Wii numbers 0664 1049 3603 0063
Ill add u, just promise to add me
Zelda is awesome. You were only about a third to a quarter of the way through so there's a lot more for you to see.
You might find a save at that is close to where you lost yours if you can't be bothered to play it again.
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hiya mike ok ill add u!add me my infos at da bottom of my da way wat age are u and where do u live?im gary and i live in ireland and im 12!woohoo

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