FarCry Vengance Reveiw

My distance from my TV is kinda set, I have a 42" LG LCD TV, which is mounted on my wall directly in front of the foot of my bed. I sit about 3' from the TV directly in front of it. I have noticed sometimes moving around the Wii menus that I have to pull my hand back against my body to get the cursor to move. I hear you guys talking about being too far from the TV, well I would think my problem would be the opposite. My only other chose is to sit across my room in the lazy boy and then its a little too hard to see fine details or read text on the screen.
IMO farcry looks like its been thrown together in 5mins graphicly the visauls of the jungle are nice looking, but everything else is somewhat lacking, i did expect more to be honest, but game play is fun all the same, very fast paced.
if anyone wants Far Cry I have a copy that I preordered. I'd rather have a diff game. CoD3 is enough to satisfy my FPS needs. Save on sales tax! $50 shipped and its yours
farcry got released. Is that in Canada too. I have been waiting for this game .. is it better then red steel and COD3 .. are the graphics as bad as a lot of websites say it is .. AKA IGN WII. im really looking forward to this game.
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  • #22
lostzen said:
does it have similar controls to Red Steel?

I'm not even sure I have never really given Red Steel a chance :lol:
Wii-bert said:
buy mine:idea:

Don't buy games that you don't like just because you want a new game?

And are the controls similar to red steel? Yes, I think pretty much every FPS for the wii is going to have similar controls.
i really am up for an fps, especially one with MP. will give COD3 a rent first to play through the apprantly fairly fun SP. then ill rent RS and Farcry and see which will statisfy my MP needs.
the aiming control is a lot better than red steel. not quite mouse-like.... yet. too bad. turning is still too slow. metroid will hopefully remedy this with its multiple control options.
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  • #26
doug52 said:
the aiming control is a lot better than red steel. not quite mouse-like.... yet. too bad. turning is still too slow. metroid will hopefully remedy this with its multiple control options.

If you go to options you can make it so you can turn faster.
oh i know. it still doesnt give you the ability to do instant 180's like you can w/ a mouse. its getting closer.. this is the best wii fps when it comes to the wiimote control.... but not perfect. once these games start having online multiplayer, the turning speed will be crucial. im not worried. nintendo will get it right w/ metroid.
vagrant said:
Don't buy games that you don't like just because you want a new game?

And are the controls similar to red steel? Yes, I think pretty much every FPS for the wii is going to have similar controls.
well I preordered it a few weeks ago. but by the time it was released, I wanted another game. I can't by every game I want, so I have to pick and choose wisely. Besides I have CoD3 and thats enough to keep me occupied in terms of FPS. I want to get Rayman instead of Far Cry so its for sale unless anyone wants to trade
Deathmetalmaster said:
I heard metroid was not going to have online multiplayer. Can someone validate this if it is true? That would really SUCK BALLS btw

I don't think there is confirmation one way or the other.

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