Exterminate All White People!!!!???


Oct 23, 2006
Parker CO
Wii Online Code

THIS IS INSANE! Now Im no racist, but I cant beleive people are actually clapping over this stupid guy and what he wants!!!
Hes complaining about how all the deaths in New Orleans are caused by whites......BS *****....THEIR WAS CALLED A THING NAMED HURRICANE KATRINA!!!! This video could be offensive...but its sort of a funny to hear how stupid this guy is!
The thing that digusts me about this is that had a white person said to "exterminate black people", there'd be sooo much conflict and freaking out.
lol thats so old. that video pissed me off too tho, but no one takes that guy seriously, except for the select few of the existing black panthers sitting in the crowd clapping. this guy just sounds like another hitler
Kill all albinos(?) ?
If I see a white person Ill kill him/her
Its snowing so it will be hard to see him/her

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