
If our parents paid for it what would we care how much it costs.
they have to pay to license these games all over again. and to have them re-reviewed. and for the servers. and for yo mama.
White Knight said:
Wouldn't be surprised if someone finds a way to hack them, like downloading a rom off the internet (or your hard drive), and somehow putting it on an SD card. Wonder if that would work...

This is unlikely, as a ROM has to be emulated (e.g. Project64). A ROM that is designed to be emulated by an N64 emulator would not work at all on the Wii. Someone would have to rewrite the code for all the ROMs so they could work with the Wii system (you can not install an N64 emulator into the Wii).

I don't think the cost is too high when you look at it in context. How many VC games are you planning on downloading? My N64 is still plugged up to my TV and has Perfect Dark plugged in. My Nes is somewhere in my house, but they all work well still. So I can't see myself purchasing games I already have. So unless the VC has something to offer that I don't already have, I can't see it being a massive drain on my bank balance.
Haz said:
This is unlikely, as a ROM has to be emulated (e.g. Project64). A ROM that is designed to be emulated by an N64 emulator would not work at all on the Wii. Someone would have to rewrite the code for all the ROMs so they could work with the Wii system (you can not install an N64 emulator into the Wii).

That’s not true a ROM is the binary image dumped from the EPROMs on the cartridge PCB. If I dump an N64 ROM any emulator should be able to support it. I would venture to guess that the only difference with the Wii ROMs is that they contain encrypted information in the header of the ROM containing your Wii's serial #. This is something that could easily be inserted by patching the ROM before copying it to a SanDisk. Eventually someone may come up with a means of installing your own emulators its been done with the Dreamcast and Xbox.

As for the price I think what Nintendo is charging is ridiculous. I would not be surprised if Nintendo was generating the same profit or more on the titles as they did when they were originally released. PC Gamer a couple years ago did a piece on the profit the developer actually sees on a $50 title. It came down to a several bucks after deducting the packaging, shipping, shelf space, etc expenses. With the VC titles Nintendo does not have the middle man expenses. They have the one time expense of writing the emulator, verifying the ROMs they offer, and the cost of the servers hosting the ROMs.
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Blackbag said:
That’s not true a ROM is the binary image dumped from the EPROMs on the cartridge PCB. If I dump an N64 ROM any emulator should be able to support it. I would venture to guess that the only difference with the Wii ROMs is that they contain encrypted information in the header of the ROM containing your Wii's serial #. This is something that could easily be inserted by patching the ROM before copying it to a SanDisk. Eventually someone may come up with a means of installing your own emulators its been done with the Dreamcast and Xbox.

Well if you get it to work.... please let us all know. For this to work, you would need to fully understand the functions behind the Virtual Console, which aren't made public. It would be a case of stripping the VC back to basic to see how it is emulating the games.
Think of it this way. After FINDING one of these systems, you will have to buy it, THEN you have to buy the game. With the risk of the system dying (which some old systems do) and/or breaking it and/or loosing the game. They save you all that. Buy games you want..5 bucks for the first zelda? Hell yes. 10 bucks for Super Mario 64? Hell yes.
Didn't take long VC has already been hacked. On the website there's a video showing how to execute the hack. No mods required.

Welcome :: DESTRUCTOID :: Hardcore gaming blog

Emulators run on the Wii. Virtual Console gets served!
12 comments by Niero on 11.22.2006

Apparently, I'm not the only guy who thought eight dollars for Altered Beast on the Wii was criminal. My solution? Throwing a hissyfit on my sofa and buying it anyway. This guy? He found an old hack to load emulators, bypassing Wii micropayments forever. Virtual Console just got served, Shasta McNasty style.

A clever fox named NitrousXP used a five year old hack to run vintage games using a GameCube Action Replay disk. In this instructional video, he simply loads the software from SDLoad with pirated roms sitting in his flash card, then effortlessly illustrates how to play Super Nintendo games not yet available on the Wii VC (using SNES9X). Surely, more emulators also work with this hack for the uber impatient and loose of morals. That's so dirty!

The hack doesn't require any modding and the components easy to find; roughly $50 total. Apparently the program is also capable of making the virtual GameCube part of your LAN and loading roms from a network path with a broadband adapter. Check out this Wiki about it. Double dirty!

Is Virtual Console doomed? Nah. Morality, lazyness, obscurity, and sheer usability will spare Nintendo's retro project. I'm writing this off as an odd hack that only dastardly Sony fanboys will employ. But it's a sign of trouble to come -- especially since VC still doesn't have a single good Mario title and Nintendo is being annoyingly strategic about releasing games on it. If this hack does take off and the demand for emulation is that high, it will be their own damn fault.

Hey Reggie, hurry up -- a mob is forming.
I just wish they did a 10 bucks a month thing and allow you to play any of them you want.
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I just feel that if they dont make the games more affordable, they are going to have a lot of people loading their own emulators on the Wii.
I cant help but laugh that people actually think they should charge a dollar for some games.

TBH the games are affordable, how many are you actually going to buy. Out of the launch lineup in europe I havent particularly seen anything I would even have owned on the original consoles ffs(I tell a lie F-Zero and sonic are there).
F-Zero and Sonic are possibly the greatest games on the Virtual Console right now, and I've downloaded a title called Bonk's Adventure. If you're interested in games that have a flash style and a simple control mechanism, Bonk's Adventure is the deal. You're a caveman, headbutting dinosaurs and headbutting dinosaur bosses along the way. Reason I don't have F-Zero yet is simply because I do not have a classic controller.

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