Excitebike: World Challenge Jumps Onto WiiWare-1.052010-01-28 18:32:55Maura SClassic NES game fans are in for a treat next week when Excitebike: World Challenge is released on WiiWare in the UK. The first Excitebike game debuted in Japan in 1984, and now Nintendo has remodelled the original classic for a whole new generation of gamers. This brand new version, which was released on US WiiWare as Excitebike World Rally at the end of 2009, sees you racing to glory through nine exotic locations worldwide, and competing with friends via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The game features multiple camera angles to choose from as you attempt to land as smoothly as possible using the Wii Remote. Players will also be able to put together their dream course using the Track Editor, and share those courses with their friends.

Each of the 16 different tracks has a finish time goal that you must beat to unlock extra game features such as new bike colours and a new set of tracks. In multiplayer modes, the terrain-altering effects introduced in Excite Truck on the Wii enable you to create ramps to give you a shortcut over an obstacle, or hills to confuse your rivals. More than anything else, you’ll be able to inhale deeply and breathe in the sweet, sweet smell of nostalgia. Beautiful.
Excitebike: World Challenge will be available to download on WiiWare in the UK for 1000 Wii Points on Friday 5th February.