Excite Truck 2 - Online? *pics*

i just wish the first excite truck had better multiplayer and online cuz i dont felling like buying another, the first excite truck was great especially for quick fun
there should be excite truck + excite bike
nice pic, looks a lot better than 1st, if it's real
Aww I was excited (pun intended), I'm still on the fence about buying excite truck, but if an excite truck 2 was coming I'd definately wait. Alas, ET will remain on the porch with paper mario and godfather waiting to come in, while spiderman 3 runs through the door when they aren't looking.
funsohng said:
there should be excite truck + excite bike
nice pic, looks a lot better than 1st, if it's real
That would be Wiis motorstorm then. Not a bad thing though.
They better not apply the friend code system to Wii online games, that'd be rediculous. I read on IGN that Pokemon Battle Revolution uses a lobby-type system (no friend code trading required), so I hope everything goes that way.
This Looks Good! It Looks Kinda Fake.. But As i0n Said, This Is A BETA Version...
Fake or not good graphics, good music, and online would make this game awesome.

I want a Wii Wave Race more though....
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
This Looks Good! It Looks Kinda Fake.. But As i0n Said, This Is A BETA Version...
If you still think it could be real think of it this way.

No aliasing?
On the Wii?
In a beta?

That doesn't make any sense. If this was glossed up I could understand but it has the HUD and everything, those graphics arn't possible.
The blur effect on the side is completely over done.
Plus look at the number 3 for "3rd" and look at the bottum left part of it, see that lump? Must more likely an editing error then a game error.

The text however sounds completely true, but it goes with the pictures so it's not. I hope the next game is something along how it is described there, doesn't sound to far off from what could happen.

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