European Red Wii Question


Anime Girl
Nov 30, 2010
South Korea
Wii Online Code
Ok, Im planning to get the Red European Wii here in Greece. Does it include an SCART ??
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  • #3
Thanks, but even the red version comes with it?
Yes, even the Reds should have SCARTS. Check the side of the Box, inscriptions on the side should tell you everything thats included, or a Symbol of a SCART. Remember this is not a High Definition Console.
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Thanks, yes I know its not HD console, but im still going to use it on my HD tv.
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  • #6
Ok,Ive bought the console, im enjoying it. Just 1 question, when I turn off the console , is the power light on the console supposed to stay red? Anyway to turn it off ? Or does it stay that way ?
Yes, that just means WiiConnect24 is off. Meaning you haven't connected the console to the internet or have not set the system to stay connected all the time. If you have an HDTV, then why not try the RGB SCART, it'll make it look better (At 480p) or does your TV not have one (as in, an RGB SCART input/insert)?
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if your online you will have it orange color light but if not you probly have a red color :)

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