Europe To Get Mario Kart April 25th?


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Wii Online Code
According to, Mario Kart Wii is to be released in the UK on April 25, 2008. This differs from the official Nintendo release date of Q2, 2008 - giving the game an April-June release window.

A Nintendo spokesperson has informed that the retailer is merely guessing, confirming that no release date for Mario Kart Wii has been announced. Still, retailers have been known to be on the money in the past.

Information on the game has been slowly appearing from various sources, the most recent news detailing a robust online element, including 12-player online support, Mii integration, ghost data sharing and much more.

Other than Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii looks to be the most competent online-enabled title for the system. It also looks likely that it will release in Europe before the Nintendo brawler - currently without a European release date.

Well, if it is 4/25, then it's good in a way for Europe that they won't have to wait too long. I've been hearing April 1 or 2 for the US and if those two dates are true, it's good news.

Europe's had to wait for ages in the past.
While that is certainly good news, it just seems unlikely Mario Kart would be released before Brawl. Although I am looking forward to Mario Kart more, I can't think why they would release it first and how they will be able to release it so close to the American release date when they have never been able to do so in the past.
I hope thats true but can't see it we always have to wait, :incazzato:

I've got brawl on pre-order for 01/05/2008 which is ages away :cryin:
I honestly can't see them releasing Mario Kart in April. I say late May at the earliest, July at the latest. I mean won't it take steam from smash bros since that comes out early march?
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samXcor3 said:
I honestly can't see them releasing Mario Kart in April. I say late May at the earliest, July at the latest. I mean won't it take steam from smash bros since that comes out early march?

Yeah, I think it would be better for Nintendo to push it back to the holidays.
But with all the info we have seen surface of the game, everything seems to be in place and it looks ready to be set out soon.

Although the chance for delay is still there, as I thought the same of Brawl. I also wouldn't be too mad over a Kart Delay, there is other things for me to play.
It's good news that they are releasing these two now because it means they have other really good stuff planned for the holidays.

That would be the first freaking sign of the apocolypse. No joke, man, that isn't even funny. I'm like freaking out right now. You sure its April 25th?

*reads article*

ew, thats disgusting. Thats like so freakishly perfect that its scary. If this actually happens I'm going to kill myself out of irony, because this is just freaky. Are you freaking kidding me?

...Wait, I'm being punk'd, aren't I?

*looks around with a stupid grin on his face*

Come on out, guys. I know what you're up to.
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Ohh sweet, birthday = April 25th, although I'll be asking for more important things than wii games.

Oh and it's Emmas too! =]

There's a good few April birthdays on wiichat, we should have a special club, cos we're all cool likeeee :sick:

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