Europe and Austraila to get online before U.S.

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Wii_Smurf said:
I don't care
USA can suck my balls. We're finally getting something better and sooner :)

yeah, i can agree with that (sorta) Europe deserves something sooner. I still cant believe you dont have pokemon ranger. i just saw it is coming out later this month there. i think this one came out here in october.
nic7 said:
I still cant believe you dont have pokemon ranger. i just saw it is coming out later this month there. i think this one came out here in october.

This Friday it comes out lol
Well I guess it makes sense, Europeans love their football. I think we get pokemon before though.

Super Mario Strikers should be awesome, I love the violence in that game.
Americans can't really moan, they get most games and even the Wii before us.

So yeah, quit moaning and be good sports.

(Sorry if nobody actually moaned, too lazy to read the whole thread)
What's the big deal with online play? It's just like playing multiplayer with your friends.

I agree that Europe deserves some things first insted of the US (even though I live in the US)

Stop complaining about Wii not having HD, or Online, or play DVDs! I really get sick of people obbsessing over things we don't need!

I woud take Super Mario Galaxy over any online game any day.
Nfanboy said:
What's the big deal with online play? It's just like playing multiplayer with your friends.

I agree that Europe deserves some things first insted of the US (even though I live in the US)

Stop complaining about Wii not having HD, or Online, or play DVDs! I really get sick of people obbsessing over things we don't need!

I woud take Super Mario Galaxy over any online game any day.

well b/c its online. u dont know who ur playing. ur friend might be awful, and u know his moves. u play online, u dont know the person and you dont have a clue if there good or what there stradegy is.

i think this game is going to be a LOT of fun and with online!
I agree Mario Strikers: Charged will be fun online.

Also Brawl will be awsome. Online fun, but it is just better with friends because you can laugh it their face when you KO Bowser with Pichu
thats y ppl hope there is a headset so u can talk during the battle!
I... Hate You Guys...

Nah, Just Kidding...

Its Just Cause We Got The Wii Before You Guys So They're Giving You A Little "Make-Up-Gift"! ^_^

I Cannot WAIT For Online... I'm So Hyped Up To Come Home From School And Kick Some @$$ On SSBB Some Fateful Day... :D

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