Error's when setting up WiFi.

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COLDshiver said:
Finally fixed my problem :D was going to post but I was busy finding the problem :D

I got the same error and all i had to do was allow my router to accept the Wii's mac address (via the system information). Type it in the filter thingy or allow it and w00t! Tried the connection on the Wii, then Boom! Wii shoppping channel! Have you tried the Mac address thingy?

I was going to try that! I just couldnt figure out the IP address of the Wii. the MAC address is listed in console info, but not the IP. Where can I find it??
What I mean is, on the Wii in the settings for connection, It has settings for "Other/advanced settings" and it will let you enter numbers for IP address, Gateway, and Subnet mask. I will give you an example of my own router. I use a Dlink router. On one of my home computers that runs windows XP, I go to start -> run -> and type in "cmd" and click ok, I then get the black dos prompt. I type in on that prompt "ipconfig" and I see that my home pc has an IP address of a gateway of and a subnet mask of All of the devices on my home wireless network will be using Ip's that start at and go up from there. I have lets say 4 devices that use my wireless network. So to be safe, I will use a number higher then 4 I will use 11. So My Wii's IP I set to so that it will be higher then all the other device's on my network so it will not conflict with them. I keep the subnet mask the same as, and for the gateway (the wii menu calls it router address I think, router, gateway, samething) I put in and then for DNS I put because I want my router to handle the DNS requests. You can also do an "ipconfig /all" on your computer to see your DNS servers there and use those, or you can call your ISP (internet service provider) and ask what DNS servers you should be using. I'm not sure if this is working for everyone with error 51330 but it is what has worked for me so I thought I'd share it. Also I saw that there was a tip from the forum admin about the slow updating once connected on the Wii and that it may be due to other wireless routers near your home from maybe your neighbors using the same wireless channel that your router is using. The default channel is supposedly 6 and lo and behold my router is set to 6 also. So when I get home (im at work right now and I am wanting to play my wii so bad atm, lol) I am going to try changing the channel of my router too. I hope it helps, because the waiting for two hours for the updates and the wii shop channel I can't even get into really frustrates me lol.

oldschool said:
Hello everyone this is my first post so greetings.

I am not that very techy so bluraven or anyone else, if you could elaborate more please.
FYI, I got the same error, tried manually but then got error 52130. I can't look up this code on the nintendo website so I don't know what it means (same goes for the 51330 error).

I use Linksys.
I think I found an unuse IP address but it was under the heading local network, not router.

I found 2 different subnet mask (again one under the local network header the other under router)

is default router the same as default gateway?

is Primary and Secondary DNS the same as DNS 1 and 2?

thank you everyone
Thank you Bluraven!!!!! :thumbsup:

it took me a while to still get connected. A problem I had was for the security part WAP, WEP etc,.... A tip for others you have to log on and pull up you router info. Go to for Linksys users, go to the wireless tab and then wireless security. You can figure out your security and the code key you need. You do have to enter it which i didn't know.

during my process i did have 2 error codes show up 51330 and 52130. I had problems enter the code in to find out what they mean. The go button didn't work and if i pressed enter instead it would just refresh the page. So i went to the top of the screen and did a search withing the Nintendo website, but change where to look to from "games" to "customer service". For a shortcut

51330: | Nintendo - Customer Service | Wii | Error Codes 51300-51399

52130: | Nintendo - Customer Service | Wii | Error Codes 52100-52199

i got a little frustrated at first but after reading bleraven's post and going to the nintendo site i got it connected.

thanks again

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I just got mine working after getting the 51330 error. I have a netgear router. I connected my router via wire to the computer (it did not work if I had it wirelessly connected). Then open up internet explorer (for some reason firefox would not work).
I then typed in "" . This connects you to your router settings.
Type in "admin" for your username
Type in "password" for your password
I then go into the wireless settings and changed wireless network mode from "g only" to "g and b"
On the very bottom of the page hit "apply" and this fixed the problems for me.

Good luck to everyone else.
badkray said:
I just got mine working after getting the 51330 error. I have a netgear router. I connected my router via wire to the computer (it did not work if I had it wirelessly connected). Then open up internet explorer (for some reason firefox would not work).
I then typed in "" . This connects you to your router settings.
Type in "admin" for your username
Type in "password" for your password
I then go into the wireless settings and changed wireless network mode from "g only" to "g and b"
On the very bottom of the page hit "apply" and this fixed the problems for me.

Good luck to everyone else.


I've been trying to get it to work for the last week, and i tried what you posted and it worked in no time. :yesnod:
If is WEP encrypted(your router that is) then try disabling WEP and doing it. If it works then, I'd recommend trying one of the different generated keys from your passphrase.
i think i may have found a solution

i could not get the wifi to work at all and kind of gave up but just tried it again today but did something different this time. in my router all of my settings are in caps, so when i enetered my router info to the wii, i selected caps lock. i think this does something weird to the numbers, even though they dont look anything, as if you have numbers in your ssid or passkey, caps lock messed it up. i just verified this now, by using only the shift key for entering in letters, and it connected the first time after that at high speed on a g speed us robotics router
DragonM3D said:
I, along with numberous others, are getting Error Code: 51330 or 51331 when trying to test a new wireless connection. I can connect to another wireless router in the area thats not secured, but not mine! Anyone able to figure this out?

remember that the key has to be exactly how it looks like... IE... if it's in all lower case, then is has to be lowercase, most likely it is all upercase. try that
My problem.
Us robotics 8011 wireless router. Sitting in the same room as the Wii.
Wii detects access point with full bars, after applying settings correctly ( wep, MAC address filtering, assign it an IP) wont connect.

I tried resetting the damn router to factory defaults, STILL no connection, at testing just gives 51330 error.

And Since nintendo gives in insight into wtf it means, im lost. since it cant connect with absolutly no settings changed, wont even work if i reset the router, then just assign it a IP address, with no wep. Tried changeing channel from 11 to 1, 5,6,7 and still nothing.

The 8011 is only a B router, so no problem with b/g settings.

anyone have ANY ideas, im very familiar with routers and technology, and i tried EVERYTHING i can think of.
i had 52130 after manually entering my connection settings. After coming here i figured out i'd missed the DNS screen. After i put that in it connected. So i assume 52130 is a DNS issue.

for anyone thats interested , im on a windows network , sharing a connection off a windows XP machine running DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. I had to manually type the settings in as the automatic settings has never worked great for on my pc's either or psp.

gateway -
your IP - 192.168.0.*
(set the last number to between 2 and 255, make sure its not in use)
subnet -
primary dns -

That should get a default connection to a windows server running.
nokia said:
i had 52130 after manually entering my connection settings. After coming here i figured out i'd missed the DNS screen. After i put that in it connected. So i assume 52130 is a DNS issue.

You mean DHCP.

your IP - 192.168.0.*
(set the last number to between 2 and 255, make sure its not in use)

That should get a default connection to a windows server running.

A Class C ip address ending with .255 is a broadcast address.
I had this problem too but now fixed.

1. Make sure your router does not have any access lists set up, if it does, disable them until you can connect with your Wii, then go onto your "Attached devices"(or similar) router web interface tab and find out the Wiis MAC address and add it to your allowed access list before enabling them again. Its a good idea to do this, as when I was searching for an AP with my Wii, 2 of my nextdoor neighbours connections came up, and I was able to connect to them... Tut tut... You dont want people stealing your B/w!

2. Upgrade Firmware to latest. (This is what I needed to do to fix mine)

3. Make sure your router is setup to accept both b & g protocols.

Should work fine now, just reset your router and try again.
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DragonM3D said:
I, along with numberous others, are getting Error Code: 51330 or 51331 when trying to test a new wireless connection. I can connect to another wireless router in the area thats not secured, but not mine! Anyone able to figure this out?
i am getting the same problem. error code 51330 every time. i was able to update the internet and start brouseing for about a minute but it cut out. dont ring nintendo cause their useless to me.
Okay, I can't use a lot of the suggestions I'm seeing because I don't use a router. I just have a cable modem and WiFi Max for Nintendo Wii. But I'm getting the same problems as everyone else - 52030 and 52130.

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