Error 52230-52232


WiiChat Member
Oct 12, 2007
I've been consistently getting error codes 52230, 52231, or 52232 when trying to connect my Wii to my wireless connection. I've tried every single channel on my router, entering the settings manually rather than retrieving them via DHCP, and power-cycling. I keep getting one of those error codes regardless. I have a multitude of other wireless devices that connect fine. In fact, the Wii connected fine to this router just two months ago. Since then, however, I've had it unplugged. I'm not sure how that would affect the console though. I've tried a few different routers, but to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas?
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The information that the error code lookup utility gives me is pretty much irrelevant; I've tried everything that it suggests. I'm A+ certified, so I'm pretty sufficient when it comes to networking knowledge. This, however, counfounds me. I'm being led to believe that its an error with my hardware.

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