Epitaphs for the Banned

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  • #17
'Karp no, we burn the bastards and stamp out the ashes with our hammers. Can ya imagine how many monopoly monies it'd take t' buy all those e-tombstones?


...well this SUCKS!! Seems I missed quite a good show hmm? Do tell pleaseee or have I been forgotten like these lifeless troll'ssss D;
Not...lol but ohhai guys good thread...Mr. Splash King my boy. XD

Nah, ya missed absolutely ****-all bro. His trollin' was amongst but a few members, not outside VMs neither. Declared hammer time long before it turned into a gigantic flamefest.
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  • #19
I'd be happy to, since then I'll be allowed t' physically abuse 'em behind closed doors with the banhammer. 'Karp knows I'm rarin' to smack his username from here t' Asia.

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  • #20
A new [STRIKE]victim[/STRIKE] idiot has been buried in the graveyard. In other words, check the OP.
Why is it that the GE and CoD players are always the ones to get banned for simply being stupid?
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  • #22
Why is it that the CoD players are always the ones to get banned for simply being stupid?

dat lulzy coincidence

Also, it's moreso bein' a dick than just bein' stupid. I can forgive literal idiots.
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  • #24
On the bright side (... when the hell am I ever lookin' there? :lol: ), stupidity is relatively rare here anyways. Couldn't say that 'bout the golden days, but 'ey, that's how it works. Where activity flocks, imbeciles shall follow.
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  • #27
[STRIKE]The members here for just FCs don't count.[/STRIKE] I'm in denial... ;_;

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