English WiiChat meet-up.

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FRuMMaGe said:
I had an idea that could be good fun for some of the English WiiChatters.

What do you think of a big Wii Party somewhere? I know it would be pretty difficult to organize, but I would handle most of the expenses. We could get everyone to bring some Wii's and a hell of a lot of multiplayer games and just have fun.

If it did happen, it would probably have to be ages 16 and over just to be safe.

I think it would be nice to actually see the person behind the username. :lol:

What do you think?

This could very well be a trap to have Waluigi murder everyone.

... not bad, FRuMMaGe.
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Gikoku said:
This could very well be a trap to have Waluigi murder everyone.

... not bad, FRuMMaGe.
Oh noes! You have discovered my plot!


*drives away erratically*

Seriously, I doubt anyone qould stick to this idea, and you're on the opposite side of the country to me.
It my porns
Its like the TARDIS its massive on the inside
Theres rooms for every one
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