endless ocean (Un-Official) friend codes!!

endless ocean?


I am just getting involved in this wii world. I am going to try to add you as a friend..i have endless ocean and was hoping others play. Not sure if you need mine but here it is....7203 9230 6239 1437. Later on
Hi! i just read your post...and id be happy to come dive with you! heres my friend code:

pm or w/e when u add me or read this! :D
Endless Ocean
FC: 5449-2087-0680 ; Name: JM
Mountain Time USA
Please add if you'd like. Just on day two and finishing night diving. E-me and I'll then add you.
This is so relaxing of an adventure game. I know something is coming...
Endless Ocean
FC: 5449-2087-0680 ; Name: JM
Mountain Time USA
Please add if you'd like. Just on day two and finishing night diving. E-me and I'll then add you.
This is so relaxing of an adventure game. I know something is coming...
I added you
hey awesome, i just added you, please add me and send me a message when you are on and we can go diving! later on
umm i can play some tonight...it is about 4 40 here now...what time are you thinking you will be on?