Elebits first title to leverage WiiConnect24

Graphics look much better in a video rather then the pics. Its basically a hide and seek online. Mad fun looking.
Transfixed said:
Good god....please re-read my post, because you obviously didn't understand what I was saying. Tits and Hentai?? Don't be stupid, I wasn't saying anything of the sort.
Firstly, I've owned every single main Nintendo system, so I know a LOT about them. Understand what I'm saying: Yes, Pikmin is awesome. Elebits will probably be awesome. I KNOW that graphics aren't everything, it's all about the GAMEPLAY....please re-read again what I said.
My point WAS, and IS:
No matter HOW great Pikmin is, how many people do you think didn't even bother playing it because IT LOOKED SO CHILDISH?!?!
Do you think it would have been LESS fun if it LOOKED a little more approachable to older people? NO.
Games don't lose any audience for having too good of graphics. Young people don't shy away from great graphics.
But they DO lose a large percentage of potential audience by looking too damn "Kiddie"....don't you see?
And I never said anything about Nintendo "relying" on graphics. If you're going to try and rebut my point, atleast quote things I actually said.

I don't want shotguns and blood. I don't want carjackings and murders. I don't want "Tits and Hentai" (idiot)....

I want games, no matter how silly or ridiculous of youthful in spirit, TO LOOK GOOD to people other than the 6-and-under crowd.
And they DO make those games, I understand.
But so many potential main-stream hits become shrouded in relative obscurity by their Kindergarten-themed presentation. Period. It's a fact.
Elebits will be the next example of this, mark my words. No matter HOW great the game is, too many people will overlook it and not even bother, BECAUSE OF THE KIDDIE GRAPHICS.
*That* is what I want Nintendo to steer gently away from. Don't you all?

Here's the real question for you to answer: Who cares upon how many people overlook it, as long as you enjoy it, correct? You obviously care upon what too many people think of a game before even playing it yourself, it's not your problem to try and reach out to people who think it is juvenille or completely insane, as long as you enjoy the game, what's with the bitching? Nintendo, if you haven't already noticed, makes games for all ages. The majority of their games happen to be family orientated, while there happen to be a few specifically for older gamers (i.e. Metroid Prime, Project Hammer). You pretty much want every game to look like like, which destroys the fun out of creativity. XIII was a comic book style shooter, along with Killer 7. It didn't have Splinter Cell type graphics or wasn't even all that impressive, but it was great nonetheless. You may lose a percentage toward certain gamers, but there are many gamers out there. Many only prefer sports titles, some prefer RTS games, and others roleplaying games. You can split gamers personalities into many genres, but that doesn't change anything. Why do you think there happen to be video game reviews as well as employees working at video game stores? It's not only to check out a game and such, it's to give them information upon certain games, even though it may look childish. I have done this many times myself. Hell, people thought Elite Beat Agents had been "kiddy" as you like to put it, but I had three people buy a copy at work. Sometimes it's not the things you say fully, you have implied many things by saying what you said in your previous post, as for name calling, go back to elementary school, where kids will think you're actually cool for doing such a thing. I don't need to bicker or tantilize you, due to your lack of self communication has done the deed for me.

As I've said previously, Nintendo makes all sorts of games, from cheesy Mario games to unique titles as Pikmin and even a couple other games such as Metroid Prime and Hammer. But if you had been with Nintendo systems all this time, you should know as Miyamoto has stated that this company is a family orginization, and the games are made for people of all ages (the majority). Hell, Banjo Kazooie looks 'kiddy', but there are many mid-aged adults that play it at a consistant basis. Nintendo is not going to stop making games around this style, and I'm glad that they're not, it will kill the originality and creativity that is Nintendo. If all games happened to look realistic and "jaw" dropping, there wouldn't be anymore innovative ideas and concepts besides one bland and cliche area.

If you don't like these types of graphics, why not get a different system? Most of Microsoft's games are First Person Shooters, so go for that and you won't be embarrassed and harrassed like a school girl when people watch you playing anything else.
Man, when you miss a point, you miss it hard.
If you haven't noticed, Nintendo is kinda in last place in the so-called console-wars. Two other companies are threatening to overshadow and dominate Nintendo right out of the videogame market. Gee, that's funny, cause I thought Nintendo had most of the best games of all time on their systems...hmm....how could this have happened?
Let me tell you something. I know full well that Nintendo makes games for all ages, that they're "family oriented", that's not what I have a problem with, OK?!?! Please get that through your head. Games like Killer 7, even LoZ: Wind Waker, had AWESOME graphics, the cel-shading, the animation effects were all stunning. But guess what? It didn't make ONE DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE, cause SO few people played them!!!
*I* know they were awesome. *YOU* know they were awesome. But the vast ocean of the buying, discerning public out there will *NEVER* know they were awesome, and THAT is the kind of thing that loses Nintendo money, that put them quickly and squarely into third place. And third place by a long shot. It's heartbreaking to have watched it happen, and if it forces Nintendo to fold, and stop making videogame systems, it will be a terrible day for us all. I very much don't want to see that happen. That's why I want them to succeed and do the things necessary to capture a wider array of gamers in the world. They claim that's what the Wii is all about, being all-inclusive, but you know what? If the the games consistently come out childish-looking, then they will have FAILED. Guaranteed. Regardless of how good the games are, too many people will simply not give them the time of day. *I* will of course because I pay attention to more than just graphics. Hell, I bought Elite Beat Agents, and it's really fun. Too bad the vast majority of people can't look beyond the graphics.
Not everything should look like Splinter Cell, but there is a huge middle ground they ought to be treading in, somewhere between Splinter Cell and Bratz: Forever Diamonds. I'm all for artistic creativity, but not at the expense of my favorite gaming company being crushed to death and mocked YET AGAIN by the rest of the world by being eternally Branded with the ill-deserved title of 'the makers of "Kiddie Systems"
What's it gonna take for people to recognize a much needed change in Nintendos approach to "family friendly"?
Them filing Bankruptcy?!? If it weren't for their success with handhelds, they already would have done just that.
Transfixed said:
Man, when you miss a point, you miss it hard.
If you haven't noticed, Nintendo is kinda in last place in the so-called console-wars. Two other companies are threatening to overshadow and dominate Nintendo right out of the videogame market. Gee, that's funny, cause I thought Nintendo had most of the best games of all time on their systems...hmm....how could this have happened?

Let me tell you something. I know full well that Nintendo makes games for all ages, that they're "family oriented", that's not what I have a problem with, OK?!?! Please get that through your head. Games like Killer 7, even LoZ: Wind Waker, had AWESOME graphics, the cel-shading, the animation effects were all stunning. But guess what? It didn't make ONE DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE, cause SO few people played them!!!

*I* know they were awesome. *YOU* know they were awesome. But the vast ocean of the buying, discerning public out there will *NEVER* know they were awesome, and THAT is the kind of thing that loses Nintendo money, that put them quickly and squarely into third place. And third place by a long shot. It's heartbreaking to have watched it happen, and if it forces Nintendo to fold, and stop making videogame systems, it will be a terrible day for us all. I very much don't want to see that happen. That's why I want them to succeed and do the things necessary to capture a wider array of gamers in the world. They claim that's what the Wii is all about, being all-inclusive, but you know what? If the the games consistently come out childish-looking, then they will have FAILED. Guaranteed. Regardless of how good the games are, too many people will simply not give them the time of day. *I* will of course because I pay attention to more than just graphics. Hell, I bought Elite Beat Agents, and it's really fun. Too bad the vast majority of people can't look beyond the graphics.
Not everything should look like Splinter Cell, but there is a huge middle ground they ought to be treading in, somewhere between Splinter Cell and Bratz: Forever Diamonds. I'm all for artistic creativity, but not at the expense of my favorite gaming company being crushed to death and mocked YET AGAIN by the rest of the world by being eternally Branded with the ill-deserved title of 'the makers of "Kiddie Systems"
What's it gonna take for people to recognize a much needed change in Nintendos approach to "family friendly"?
Them filing Bankruptcy?!? If it weren't for their success with handhelds, they already would have done just that.

Actually you can't really rank Nintendo at the moment, nor can you rank the Ps3 in this console war. Actually, I think Nintendo is in a totally different league than what Sony and Microsoft are in. Sony and Microsoft are all about HD components and Blu-ray and High Definition Drives, Nintendo is about gaming in general, for the casual gamer. Nintendo is no way in hell going to be thrown out the market, sure they haven't had the monopoly they've had 15 years ago, but they're still strong.

If you know Nintendo's vast majority is family orientated games, then what's the complaining about? On the N64 console there had been games like Resident Evil 2, Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, Hexen, Biofreaks, and The Legend of Zelda. While the Gamecube had lost Rare to Microsoft, it canceled out the Perfect Dark series, as well as the ever so exclusive Golden Eye (Rogue Agent is a joke. :) ). Companies sell out if you're offering the cash, and that's what had happened with the Gamecube. Thankfully Silicon Knights came up with Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube, which I believe happened to be the first M rated game for that console. The Gamecube had a good list of games, but due to internet flaming and such many people thought of it as a child system. Here's a list of games that had been out on the Gamecube:

Eternal Darkness
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil (remakes)
Soul Calibur II
Fire Emblem
Metal Gear Solid
Skies of Arcadia
Baldur's Gate
Time Splitters
Call of Duty
Tales of Symphonia
Prince of Persia
Star Wars

And that's just to name a few. If they don't like the certain games, that's on them. But as for Nintendo losing money, remember, everyone enjoys something that's simple, and parents would always get a Nintendo over anything else as they know the name more than anything else. There will be the occassional mature game, but other than that, don't expect Nintendo to be pulling out a Leisure Suit Larry game anytime soon.
Whatever, I will be playing every single Nintendo Wii game I can get my hands on, and I will buy the really great ones I come across. Graphics do not matter to me. I'm sure every true Nintendo gamer out there would agree. Anyone remember those cutesy Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story games? Those were incredibly addicting. Oh and don't forget about Smash Bros. It may be a fighting game but it wasn't very "mature". I don't give a... who bought those games or who didn't. Cute games can be great and personally I can't wait for Elebits.
Silent-Sniper said:
..You guys have too much time on your hands.

How long did it take you to come up with such a clever sentence? Go wack it to your midget porn.
Well actually japan has the first game that can use wii connect24 its that new pokemon game (Pokémon Battle Revolution) as well as have the ds intigration. not really looking forward to another pokemon colluseum but, just to be correct.
I am a raging rabis Smash Bros fan. I'm gonna crap when Smash Bros: Brawl comes out. I agree with everything Kimikaze said, infact.
Wii agree.'

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