Edit Of The Week: Application 1

tarheelsuperman said:
Ok...so I wasn't planning on entering this contest but I had a moment of inspiration. I hope you like it.

This is why I hate you. :mad2:

My crummy entry...for now...

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Dammit tarheel, your not aloud to enter this, other people want a slight chance of winning too:lol:

Great entry. . .

Meh, shall we just give this week to tarheel?:lol:

this is going to be close.

Tyler, I like the idea but you havn't pulled it together as good as you can, I will have a crack at that sort of thing:)
tarheelsuperman said:
Ok...so I wasn't planning on entering this contest but I had a moment of inspiration. I hope you like it.

That actually looks like somewhere that I have been to. :lol:
Very nice entry man.
tarheelsuperman said:
Ok...so I wasn't planning on entering this contest but I had a moment of inspiration. I hope you like it.

this i like...
Wii_Smurf said:
Damn he's too good.
lol i agree, i think i remember him saying he did design or arcitechture or something for a living? could be wrong though, have to saymaking that DS from scratch would have taken some time too!
For his EOTW though I don't see much thats Nintendo. I think it's just me lol I can only make out Donkey Kong

Edit: Theres a blooper and some other stuff there too. So it's all good. Very good :thumbsup:
tarheelsuperman said:
Ok...so I wasn't planning on entering this contest but I had a moment of inspiration. I hope you like it.


How long did that took you?? That's alot of work in there. Definitely the winner in this week :wink:
Hmmm...Can you send me the PSD/PDD file so I can see how you made it?
Not saying its copied but I was curious.
Azuma Kyuubi said:
Cool...did u make the wall paper yourself?

Nope, just did a quick google search for Nintendo Wallpaper and viola.

Almo said:
lol i agree, i think i remember him saying he did design or arcitechture or something for a living? could be wrong though, have to saymaking that DS from scratch would have taken some time too!

My degree was in Management Information Systems and I work on the business management side of the IT Industry. I have really just recently started playing in gfx due to wiichat.

Wii_Smurf said:
For his EOTW though I don't see much thats Nintendo. I think it's just me lol I can only make out Donkey Kong

Edit: Theres a blooper and some other stuff there too. So it's all good. Very good

This may help...


demonflair said:
How long did that took you?? That's alot of work in there. Definitely the winner in this week

Actually not that long...There are 14 layers. 2 of the layers are gradient maps and 1 is a photo filter so those were quick layers. The hardest part was the details erasing around the heads and that wasn't that hard.

Lai Strike said:
Hmmm...Can you send me the PSD/PDD file so I can see how you made it?
Not saying its copied but I was curious.

I could but I really don't think it is necessary. It is fairly simple and I know you don't think its copied b/c I had to work with an image supplied and apply a nintendo theme. I think the chances of that exact image being on the web are pretty much zero.

How about I create a tutorial so everyone can see how it's done?
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