East vs. Weat Character debate: Vamp vs. Wolverine


Sonic expert
Jan 25, 2009
Wii Online Code
This time we have another two characters who seem surprisingly similar.

For the east we have a villian from the Metal Gear series, Vamp.

For the west, there's the self-proclaimed "best at what he does", the mutant Wolverine from the Marvel Comics series, X-Men.

In comparing the two, you'll see just how alike they are. Both use blades in battle, both have almost instantaneous healing abilitys, both are more agile and stronger than the average human, and both age extremely slowly.

Vamps healing factor comes from small "robots' in his body called nanomachines, invented by Naiomi Hunter to save him and her from incureable diseses. Vamp is extremely agile, more so than Wolverine and goes about a fight with a level of grace as if a ballet. He has a full collection of knives, daggers, shuriken, and specially designed blades as his weapons.

Wolverine is a mutant, meaning his abilities were given to him at birth. He was born with abnormal strength(though it's not like Superman strength), agility, animal like senses of sight, smell, hearing, and claws of bone that protrudes through his fists. After serving his country, the American government noticed his abilities and used him for a project called "Weapon X". In this project his bones were painfully coated with a layer of a metal called Ademantium, the stronges metal in the Marvel universe.

My decission:
These two are very similar, but to me personally there is one single difference that makes the choice easy for me. One factor that makes the battle. These two heal at a rapid rate, so the winner would have to make an instantly fatal attack, like cutting the other in half or cutting their head off. For Vamp, it'll be VERY difficult. One word, Adimantium. You cannot cut through adimantium, at all. And the fact that Wolverines claws are coted with adimantim, so I say Wolverine.
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One never herd of
The other is one of my least favourite cartoon heroes this side of most the other cast

Other thread ideas

Van Helsing vs Helsing
Maybe not

Buffy vs Saya (Blood the last vampire)

Better still
Twilight/all those other vampo shows that have latched on to its popularity/Angel/Blade vs Dance in the vampire Bund/Blood the last Vampire/Vampire hunter D/Blade

Lara Croft vs Revvi (Black Lagoon)

Battered cod vs Sushi
But who will win?

There's only one way to find out

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Actually I was thinking that next I'll do two humerous heroes. Like Viewtiful Joe vs. Earthworm Jim maybe? :lol:
Freakaziod vs Lain

Both are a bit to much on the old internet

Frankenstiens monster vs Makoto

Taranculer man vs Spiderman
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What is this Tarancular Man you speak of?

EDIT: Can a mod fix the title, I got it saying "Weat" instead of "West". :lol:
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Don't know who Vamp is but from reading what he can do i think his ability to fight from a range would wear Wolverine down enough to beat him. But then again as one of my friends said "You can just drown Wolverine"

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