E3: Gun cradle for controller

if u look there is a trigger on the handle whichwill be used like the b button on the remote so thats solved that problem.
WiiGamer24 said:
I love the design of the gun and everything, its genius. But theres one question which I'm afraid to ask, whats the difference between using just the Wii-mote to shoot things and using the Zapper attachment to shoot things? For example, will playing Duck Hunt with the Wii-mote be much different from playing Duck Hunt with the Zapper attachment?
The difference is the zapper shell makes it more like a light-gun, I'm getting one or two as long as their not that expensive, after all its just a shell not another Wii-mote it shouldn't cost much, this is why Nintendo did the nunchuk attachment so the "shells" wouldn't need motion sensors themselves to keep costs down, but still add game-play, now they need a wheel shell
[] - Wii-mote :rolleyes:
(_) - Wheel Shell :wtf:
([]) - Wii-mote in Shell :D