E3 2009 predictions

Don't forget about Pokemon heart Gold and Soul Silver, that will be one of the biggest announcements.
ah stupid nintendos
theres soon gonna be pokemon glasscrystal or mystery dungeon explorers of the....EARTH
or pokemon POWER ranger...
ugh emerald was the best to me
New starfox is very unlikely, which honestly breaks my heart because I loved the series and I thought SF: Assault was an awesome game (SF: Adventures was a joke, though). SF's head of design stated in an interview that they wouldn't like to make a game on the Wii because "It's become more of a toy than a game console." The guy's a bastard, an Assault-like system with vastly improved controls and online play has insane potential

What?? I thought ALL consoles were toys!
Here is my prediction:

Nintendo discuss sales information, the fact that more people 30 and over are playing games today then ever before, girls are playing more then ever before, etc. etc. etc...

Then they will show a video of all the upcoming games that we know about...

Then Iwata will come up on the stage and talk about the DSi and DS games... The a DSi video.

Next they will discuss Red Steel 2 and Wii Sports Resort and Wii Motion Plus

Finally they will announce a few new Nintendo titles like Star Fox, Zelda, Mario, etc... They will probably at least show a video of a new Zelda or Mario, even if those games won't come out for another 2-3 years...

Then Retro studios will announce METROID DREAD FINALLY!

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New starfox is very unlikely, which honestly breaks my heart because I loved the series and I thought SF: Assault was an awesome game (SF: Adventures was a joke, though). SF's head of design stated in an interview that they wouldn't like to make a game on the Wii because "It's become more of a toy than a game console." The guy's a bastard, an Assault-like system with vastly improved controls and online play has insane potential.

E3 will always have a bombshell, even if it's lackluster or expected. Something big will get revealed. Even with the lame E3s we've had so far that happens. Wiispeak. Motion plus. MAG. GoW 3. New footage of games we've only had teasers of/haven't heard of in a long time. It always happens, and you can expect those things to happen for sure.

The lovely thing is that this time, E3 is being buffed and they're bringing back the fans. So what they talk about needs to appeal the core gamer or else tomatoes and pig heads will be tossed onto the stage, this goes for all consoles, not just the Wii.

Don't forget the various E3 booths and meetings of major third party companies where they reveal new projects outside of the big 3's exclusives (Ninty, Micro and Sony).

Now for my Nintendo E3 predictions:
- One of the company's heads walks onto the stage, applause.
- "We've done so much to expand the audience blah blah blah our console prints money blah blah blah look at these graphs our bars are bigger than everyone's else's blah blah blah"
- Pikmin 3 footage. C'mon, they revealed it last E3, they should talk about it this year.
- Possibly a new zelda teaser.
- Gameplay footage of major upcoming titles such as Sin & Punishment 2, Red Steel 2, or No More Heroes 2 (2 2 2 2 2 2 lol).
- Reveal of at least 1 new core title.
- Wii Motion + and Sports Resort are discussed, they talk about what they've added since last E3.
Now for the boring half no one cares about:
- So yeah that's all the stuff we did. Have a nice day.
- Possible, but unlikely with the pattern of the last few E3's: OH WAIT, WE HAVE ONE MORE THING TO SHOW YOU.
*freaking megaton. I'm talking like, epic game in the making that no one saw coming, or epic update to the Wii system.*

Note: If the epic megaton is done for the DSi, I'm selling my Wii. They've been shifting their focus towards it slowly throughout 2008 and this year. If they make it their main thang and just throw a bone at the Wii owners every now and then, I've lost all hope.

If you're not interested, skim gametrailers and IGN once E3 is done, if you have the patience. Either way, most major titles and projects are announced at E3. Yes, of course half of it is gloating, but the other half is the reveal of new titles.

Nice prediction but I wouldn't sell my Wii even if Nintendo doesn't announce any new big hardcore title. If I did sell it then that means that there's no more Mario Kart and Brawl mayhems in my house. My friends would hate me for life. Plus Punchout, Conduit, Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 2, Madworld, Excitebots, Boom Blox 2, and Wii Motion Plus games are going to be definitely checked out once I get time for em.
I've played my wii maybe 4 times since december and I'm tired of the **** being released on this console.
You need to buy more games. I'm tired of people complaining about their Wii collecting dust when they don't actually buy any games and there are plenty of good ones out there.

The only sure things I'd expect from Nintendo at E3 is Wii Sports Resort and Pikmin 3.

I'm hoping that they'll show either a new Starfox or F-Zero though. These franchises have to be reborn on the Wii sooner or later and the fact that SSBB has characters from them in means that newbies who didn't play them could recognise them. Or maybe Nintendo will shock everyone with a new Earthbound for Wii.
I beg to differ a bit... Since December, not many good games have been released... I personally think MadWorld is extremely overrated...
The Conduit looks decent, I haven't yet given it a try...

So yea, I haven't played the Wii much since December either, besides games that I rent and just don't like enough to buy...
You need to buy more games. I'm tired of people complaining about their Wii collecting dust when they don't actually buy any games and there are plenty of good ones out there.

The only sure things I'd expect from Nintendo at E3 is Wii Sports Resort and Pikmin 3.

I'm hoping that they'll show either a new Starfox or F-Zero though. These franchises have to be reborn on the Wii sooner or later and the fact that SSBB has characters from them in means that newbies who didn't play them could recognise them. Or maybe Nintendo will shock everyone with a new Earthbound for Wii.

I know, but the thing is I find myself buying 360 games over wii games. The Conduit is one game I do plan on buying, and I would like to see more title like it. Games that make me hold off on buying something like UFC: 2009 for the 360.

I bought the wii hoping for revolutionary games and it has really been a disappointment.

However, when I did just have my wii, I did enjoy playing it and I do play it quite often with friends. So really I haven't played my wii by myself for about five months.
I beg to differ a bit... Since December, not many good games have been released... I personally think MadWorld is extremely overrated...
The Conduit looks decent, I haven't yet given it a try...

So yea, I haven't played the Wii much since December either, besides games that I rent and just don't like enough to buy...

The fact that you say that you haven't tried The Conduit yet makes me think that you might not be very aware of what games are actually out there, considering that The Conduit hasn't even been released yet!

I guess it depends on what type of games you like though. I think games like Madworld, Tenchu, HOTD: Overkill, Rune Factory: Frontier, Excitebots, PES 2009, Punch Out! and Little Kings Story are all very good. That many games in under five months is plenty for me.
They will reveal some crappy games and promote their family image.
The fact that you say that you haven't tried The Conduit yet makes me think that you might not be very aware of what games are actually out there, considering that The Conduit hasn't even been released yet!

I guess it depends on what type of games you like though. I think games like Madworld, Tenchu, HOTD: Overkill, Rune Factory: Frontier, Excitebots, PES 2009, Punch Out! and Little Kings Story are all very good. That many games in under five months is plenty for me.

Yea I know it's not out yet...

I don't like MadWorld at all, Tenchu looks ok, don't like HOTD games, Rune Factory looks good, haven't played it, I LOVE Excitebike 64, I hate Excitetruck and Bots, PES 2009 got high ratings, Little Kings Story is fun...

Some good games there, but to me, none of them are worth 50 bucks and none of them would have me playing them for over 2 weeks...
I know, but the thing is I find myself buying 360 games over wii games. The Conduit is one game I do plan on buying, and I would like to see more title like it. Games that make me hold off on buying something like UFC: 2009 for the 360.

I bought the wii hoping for revolutionary games and it has really been a disappointment.

However, when I did just have my wii, I did enjoy playing it and I do play it quite often with friends. So really I haven't played my wii by myself for about five months.

Same here. I played the crap out of Brawl and Kart and now they just sit there. I tried out a few other games but ended up returning them. Games on the wii just don't have the lasting appeal of games on other consoles so far.
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Same here. I played the crap out of Brawl and Kart and now they just sit there. I tried out a few other games but ended up returning them. Games on the wii just don't have the lasting appeal of games on other consoles so far.

Some overlooked games on the Wii are Okami, Zack n Wiki, World of Goo, and Bomberman Blast. They are all cheap and really good. You have to at least like some of these games. Just be patient when you play them cuz they don't get good until the middle.

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