DVD tray light question + suggestion.


The Number Cruncher
Dec 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
Can someone please explain to me when the blue try light should come on and off because mine does not seem to be acting in the way explained in the user manual. From my understanding the light should come on when a Wii dvd is inside the player. It should also flash when a connect24 message is recieved.

Maybe I am understanding the manaul incorrectly but the only time I have seen this light come on is for a very quick flash after putting a DVD in after power on (maybe about .2 of a second). I have not seen the light come on at any other time yet or even stay on, even after changing a Wii dvd without powering off and on the unit first does not cause the light to do anything.

From the picture on the front of the Wii packaging it sort of implies this light should stay on at certin times at least. Any feedback on this would be nice from other Wii owners because I personally think the blue light is real cool and is something I would like to see on (which is why I wonder if there is a fault with my new toy). If this is not the case, maybe an option to change its behavior?

Regards and Happy Christmas.... Raz
Mine stays on everytime I hace a new message. For the that's the only reason, I read somewhere that it should stay on if there's no disc inserted to help you find the disk slot in the dark. I'm hoping Nintendo releases a fix to give us control over the disk slop behavior.
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I think something has gone wrong with mine then because it dosent seem to operate like that. It also seems that the Wii is reporting I have one message but when I go to look, there is no message there, only the today envelope, even if I look forward or backwards a few days. Does yours always show one message on the lower right side on the main wii menu screen?

the today envelopes always show on the screen i have 6-7 somedays (records on wii play wii sports etc.) the disc slot only lights up when u turn the console on or insert a disc)
It stays blue when you get an Unread message. At night leave your Wii on Standby and if you get a message it'll stay blue until you read it...

Thats it's only use. Nothing more. You might think thats rubbish but you are forgetting it's a GAME console...
its a christmas miracle:
Somebody read their manual before posting a question!:thumbsup:

all you oblivious people of wii ownership look upon Razoola and do as he does, read your manual....

and Razoola, thank you for setting a good example, your future on wiichat.com is very promising, and this is the first time saying this:
Welcome to Wiichat.com
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Wii17 said:
the today envelopes always show on the screen i have 6-7 somedays (records on wii play wii sports etc.) the disc slot only lights up when u turn the console on or insert a disc)

Ok so the today message shows as 1 message on the Wii main menu (bottom right corner of the channel screen)?

What is confusing me is that I have now done some testing and indeed the blue tray light does come on if I recieve a message in standby (sent the Wii an email), it does some nice pulse that seems to look like some sort of heart beat. The problem is that the Wii main menu still only shows one message before I go there to read it (in theory there should be 2 if the today message counts as one). After I read that message I trash it then exit the Wii message board the main menu is still showing one message?... Are you guys getting the same situation? I take it this is some sort of bug in the firmware or somehow I have messed something up?

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Razoola said:
Ok so the today message shows as 1 message on the Wii main menu (bottom right corner of the channel screen)?

What is confusing me is that I have now done some testing and indeed the blue tray light does come on if I recieve a message in standby (sent the Wii an email), it does some nice pulse that seems to look like some sort of heart beat. The problem is that the Wii main menu still only shows one message before I go there to read it (in theory there should be 2 if the today message counts as one). After I read that message I trash it then exit the Wii message board the main menu is still showing one message?... Are you guys getting the same situation? I take it this is some sort of bug in the firmware or somehow I have messed something up?

just wait maybe 5 seconds then open the mail up, if nothing pops up, wait another 5 seconds, and if it isnt a message someone could have sent you a mii
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This one message has been on the channel screen all day but there is no message I can see anywhere. When I recieve a new message there still only shows one message on the channel screen (in theory it should show 2 messages shouldent it)? Can anyone else confirm they see 1 message flashing on the channel screen when there are no unread messages on the message screen?
Razoola. What you're saying is true. When in standby mode, and you get a message, the light will pulse. When you turn your Wii on to check it, while in the Wii menu, the number of messages in the button at the bottom right won't have changed, but when you go into the actual message board, there will be a new message. If you leave that new message there, and don't delete it, and go back to the Wii menu, the number of messages in the button will have changed.
You'll always have 1 message,it's to tell you what you've done today.
And next time do a search.
and who cares it's a blue light.
I don't know if it's any help, but mine works like this...

There is always at least 1 message in the inbox. It's the "today" one which you can't send to trash.

The blue light is always off apart from a quick flash when starting up or I receive a message when the console is in standby, in which case the light pulses until I read the message.

If I receive a message when the console is on, the light doesn't come on. Mine seems to work a little differently to Kepa's in that when I get a message it instantly shows by the little envelope icon, even if the console is on. I don't have to go to the message board to see if there is a message.

Maybe different hardware versions or something, mine is UK PAL.
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Kepa said:
Razoola. What you're saying is true. When in standby mode, and you get a message, the light will pulse. When you turn your Wii on to check it, while in the Wii menu, the number of messages in the button at the bottom right won't have changed, but when you go into the actual message board, there will be a new message. If you leave that new message there, and don't delete it, and go back to the Wii menu, the number of messages in the button will have changed.

Yea, that sums up whats happening for me. A little quirk I expect they will fix...

I must say its annoying the today message shows as a message as its always there. I think they should not class that as a message. For example, in the Calander your going to have message boxes on every day...


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