Drive Sounds?


WiiChat Member
Dec 19, 2006
My Wii seems to make noise when reading GameCube disks. It is not the sound of the disk spinning, but the laser eye moving. Is this normal?

It does it a little on Wii games, but it is much more subtle. How much Wii drive noise is normal? None of it sounds extreme, but I am concerned none the less.

Once again, it is just the sound of the laser eye moving, not any spinning noise.
yeh, this generally after playing for a long time then changing discs for me. but rarely ever gets loud enough to be noticable
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killik119 said:
yeh, this generally after playing for a long time then changing discs for me. but rarely ever gets loud enough to be noticable

I tend to notice it during dialog. For example, in Battalion Wars when they are talking about the objectives. I don't notice it when I am playing.

I found an article online that says the Wii drive is the loudest of the three consoles. So my guess is these sounds are normal.

I remember my GameCube being loud when reading risks, guess this is similar...

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