Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Friend Code

dragon net battle-- Manage friends-- Check friend code this will display your friend code, but maybe you will need to connect once on Nintendo WFC battle to get one and create a profile.

When its done, post your friend code, add mine, and add my hotmail adress so we can talk between battles!
Ok. My Wii friend code is off to the side. My BT3 code is 330831460986.
PM me when you wanna play, I can't do both at once :(.
Slim said:
Ive added you jlspec and DLG INC. Cant wait to see how good you guys are at DBZ SSJJason I still havent got to play you. I will destory all with Broly the Legendary SSJ!!!

Hahaha... Play me any day... I have an ultimate strategy. And when that fails, I'll just use Broly. IF I DON'T LAG OUT!!!
Tylersito-- yes you have to enter mine 2

SSJJason--we can by msn, that why i said "add my hotmail adress"
Your MSN address is listed Nowhere... And I can't go to your profile. Cause the site doesn't want me to :p
Anyone wanna battle? I'm 80-20 or so.


I really only want to fight people in Ontario, or Canada itself.

America will cause lag.
I play nearly everything with lag... I still wanna play. I'll add you?
My BT3 FC is: 154737451947
My BT3 username is: Kendrik

Let me know if you want me to add you to my list.
Kendrik said:
My BT3 FC is: 154737451947
My BT3 username is: Kendrik

Let me know if you want me to add you to my list.

I'll add you. What's your regular Wii code? And Location? Closer we are the less lag. But I'm sure you know that.
I'm from the Pacific Northwest, so our distance should actually be good. I don't know my Wii code off the top of my head, though.
It's cool, you can put it on your sidebar profile thingy. If you intend to post here:)