Downloading Disk Games onto Console


WiiChat Member
May 7, 2009
I think I lost my manual (or too lazy to look for it) - maybe the answer is there. Is there a way to download games I have on disk to channels on the console? My disks are getting scratched up by constantly inserting, ejecting into the console. It would be ideal if I could just download/save all the games I have onto the console like a PC so I no longer have to deal with disks.
Thanks to anyone who can help with my dilemma!
:lol: Nah, the Wii couldn't handle that, man.
Nope. That would be a good idea though with the new SDHC support.
My disks are getting scratched up by constantly inserting, ejecting into the console.
The only way theyd become damaged doing that is if your Wiis disc drive is faulty or if you dont look after your discs
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Total bummer - thanks for the replies. It's my children and their small, sticky fingers that like to manhandle the games - almost destroyed the WiiSports disk. I wish, at least that one, should come loaded on the console. Isn't it a universal disk that comes with the Wii as default anyway?
disk games.

All the consoles i've seen in the stores are with the Wii Sports.They should load it @ the factory.
Total bummer - thanks for the replies. It's my children and their small, sticky fingers that like to manhandle the games - almost destroyed the WiiSports disk. I wish, at least that one, should come loaded on the console. Isn't it a universal disk that comes with the Wii as default anyway?
There is Nintendos Wiiware
You download the Wiiware games on too the console

Other than that you could lock the Wii in a box so they cant get at it

All the consoles i've seen in the stores are with the Wii Sports.They should load it @ the factory.
The games will take up to much memory
The Wii only has a pity full 512mb where as DVDs are 4+gig
512 ?

There is Nintendos Wiiware
You download the Wiiware games on too the console

Other than that you could lock the Wii in a box so they cant get at it

The games will take up to much memory
The Wii only has a pity full 512mb where as DVDs are 4+gig

I didn't realize the console had such a small memory.Maybe in the future it'll be an upgraded model.
Total bummer - thanks for the replies. It's my children and their small, sticky fingers that like to manhandle the games - almost destroyed the WiiSports disk. I wish, at least that one, should come loaded on the console. Isn't it a universal disk that comes with the Wii as default anyway?
Yeah, like Prin said I'd download some WiiWare and Virtual Console titles from the Wii Shop Channel if that was the case. You can find some really good games on there. And some classic old-school games from your childhood :lol:
I didn't realize the console had such a small memory.Maybe in the future it'll be an upgraded model.
Nar The big N haven't said anything about it and they have yet to allow any kind of External hard drive.
But I dont think they would allow people to save full disc games on it as people will abuse it.
Total bummer - thanks for the replies. It's my children and their small, sticky fingers that like to manhandle the games - almost destroyed the WiiSports disk. I wish, at least that one, should come loaded on the console. Isn't it a universal disk that comes with the Wii as default anyway?

Teach them how to handle the disks properly. My father taught me not to touch the bottom of the disk. I haven't touched it since.
Teach them how to handle the disks properly. My father taught me not to touch the bottom of the disk. I haven't touched it since.
I dont think my dad knew what a CD was.

Vinal on the other hand

Could be useful heh.

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