Dorm Room Online


WiiChat Member
Nov 29, 2007
Fredonia NY
So I have a Wii, a LAN Adapter, and an internet connection in my dorm room but if i hook up my Wii directly to the wall connection for my internet my wii says it cannot find the IP Address...

How can i get my wii to connect?

We arent allowed to have wireless internet in our room so WIFI is out f the question...
i have a lot

wii sports,zelda twilight,mario strikers charged,rayman rabbing rabbits,mortal kombat armaggedon,wario smooth moves,excite truck,elebits,call of duty 3,sonic and the secret rings,super mario galaxy,super paper mario, metroid prime 3 corruption,and pokemon battle revolution

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are you going to give me advice on how to get my wii hooked up?

or just talk about your superamazing wii games?
You might have better luck asking your school's tech help guys. They would likely know whether you can connect to the internet with a Wii legally (within your internet user agreement). If you can, they might know how. If you *can't*, you can probably ask them if they know anyone who has pulled it off. They might be vague, but you can learn a lot. Geeks rule.
DHCP issue?

Can't say exactly what is happening, but sounds like your Wii is not getting an IP address via DHCP. I doubt this will help much but you might want to look at this page:

I would also suggest:

a) making sure your PC works fine (you might want to get output of "ipconfig /a" for setup info on your wii)

b) double check wii's DHCP settings

c) talk with the admin's at school to see if they can help

Would like to help more, but my Wii is still waiting for me under the Christmas tree.

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