Dont Plan on getting virutal games/ looking at wii channels on launch


the guy below- HES BACK!!
Oct 15, 2006
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IGN » Games » Wii » News

Wii Channels to Require Upgrade
Unfortunately, it's MIA until launch.
by Micah Seff
November 10, 2006 - IGN's final retail Wii system arrived at the office this morning, and we have been delving into the beauty of this mysterious new console ever since. After booting up the system and entering our system settings, we were shocked to discover that although we could see the different Wii channels, we could not access those that needed an Internet connection without an initial upgrade.

It seems that the Wii needs this upgrade in order to be able to connect to the Weather, News or Shop Channels. Unfortunately, when we tried to run this upgrade, we were treated to an error screen informing us that our Wii was unable to connect to the network. It seems that, prior to launch, the Wii will not have access to any of the channels or applications that require the user to connect to Nintendo's network. That's bad news for those of you out there intent on getting a Wii before November 19.

This revelation came as a shock and a disappointment to many at IGN, as it would have been nice to download some classic games for the Virtual Console. We will keep you posted on any later developments.

This sucks!!!

IGN: Wii Channels to Require Upgrade
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oo i missed that lol,well lets just hope thats true and its before the 19th..... I dont know, but why is IGN saying bad stuff ( not terrible) but not great stuff. They had the videos today of Madden,Red steel and call of duty... Each game they had a complaint from the sensor bar, controlls. controller... Hopefully those were older versions of the games. They said tomorrow they r getting th Offical Wii with games and zelda and tomorrow they r putting up a lot of stuff and zelda info. So hopefully it will be FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems that, prior to launch, the Wii will not have access to any of the channels or applications that require the user to connect to Nintendo's network. That's bad news for those of you out there intent on getting a Wii before November 19.

On launch, they can be used.
Not hopefully, They definitely will :)

We will of course get to see use our channels on the 19 :D

I guess Nintendo wants to keep the channels locked down until they come out
All this means is on the 19th, Nintendo will open their networks. Does this effect any of us? No. So do we care? Hell no. As long as my Wii works on launch day, I could give a **** less.
they get Wii's before launch because they are special.....
Rift said:
they get Wii's before launch because they are special.....

But my Mommy always told me I was special... :arf:
....I'm sorry man, that's just something all moms have to say to their kids.... Kinda like "Liar Liar" ....Kid "Beauty is on the inside" Dad-"That's just something ugly people say"...

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