Don't jump around crazy in every game?

There are certain games where it adds to the fun of the game to go jumping around. But some games its just easier to sit back and play like any other system.
When I play Guitar Hero and get in the music I jump around like crazy:D
No need for jumping but is fun to do it some times....XD
Especially wiisports...When I am alone or wanna beat a record I would just sit and play but with friends jump around and do all the real tennis moves since I play tennis. I actually play better wii tennis when I do the correct hand and backhand moves. And playing Wiiboxing is no fun in a couch...And You know that!
lol any of you guys see the red steel demo video if you left the menu screen on? lol that guy was nuts he was acutally jumping around his living room ducking behind the couch to play the game... it was funny **** but no i think its nice to be able to play a game arms at each side instead of holding a controller in both hands it nice to just lay and chill one in each hand.
for every game except wii sports, i sit back and play like any other console, with some nice, easy motions to make the game feel better...