Dodge the Mods! Counting Game!

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521 is a prime number.

521 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 521 = 11[SUP]2[/SUP] + 20[SUP]2[/SUP].

521 is the 13th Lucas number.

521 and 523 for a twin prime pair.

521 is the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triple: 521[SUP]2[/SUP] = 279[SUP]2[/SUP] + 440[SUP]2[/SUP].

521 has the representation 521 = 2[SUP]9[/SUP] + 9.

521 is the exponent of the Mersenne prime 2[SUP]521[/SUP] - 1.

521 is the smallest prime whose reversal is a cube: 125 = 5[SUP]3[/SUP].

Galaxy cluster Abell 521 is located about 2.9 billion light-years from Earth.
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