Do you prefer IGN or Gamespot???

Which do you prefer?

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ign reviews are better there not hell bent in bashin the big N
the site layout design is great no that crappy dark green thing with all the cluttered stuff that could cause someone a brain stroke maybe thats why theyr reviews are so crappy hahahaha
I like GameSpot better than IGN for 2 reasons...
1. They show you how they rank the game.
2. Videos are alot faster there than IGN.
I like gamespot but I don't go their for reviews. I go onto IGN for reviews because I think on gamespot, they reduce the score too much for little things that shouldn't really affect the score as dramatically, so you don't really get an accurate score because the reviewer can then "tilt" their score to change it a little having nothing to do with the actual game.

Also IGN has got better quality videos.
I like IGN's site layout a lot more. Everything seems a little more organized and professional to me. They also seem to update their Wii news and media more often.
i used dto be all about Gamespot becuase they had good reviews, and were sorta funny. but after watching some IGN reviews, i may be changing sides.
Between the 2 I voted IGN. I don't really like Gamespot.

I frequent Gamespy though, they have a lot of good stuff. Some of their reviews could be questioned, but they have lots of good articles and some pretty sweet exclusives.

But for reviews, I'll generally go to 2-5 different places and see what they all say.
I'm about to start the second dungeon, and so far, it's definitely an 8.8. I feel like the game is forcing me along like a sidescroller. In Zelda 64, as soon as I hit Hyrule Field, I could go pretty much anywhere on the map and find all sorts of secrets before meeting Zelda. A Link to the Past also had a more exciting beginning.