do you need console nick AND friend code??


WiiChat Member
Apr 25, 2007
birmingham alabama
Wii Online Code
ok i have HAD it.......i have not got a single friend yet!! i have tried with people only to not be able to send a im gonna clear this up HERE AND NOW.

we all know both people have to register the friend code.........its the nickname that confuses me. it asks for a nickname after entering the friend code. is this a nick we can choose? or does it have to match their wii console nickname???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

im dying to send and recieve messages/ friend code is 2605-8397-8634-8176

my console nickname is revolution or if you can CHOOSE my nick, i prefer DARKFIRE

ill add anyone who replies to this with an answer to my question and their friend code and nick (if nick is needed)

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