Do I really need this controller


WiiChat Member
Dec 19, 2009
Hi all

Im a newbie with the wii so bear with me lol I do have a couple questions.

I recently bought a wii bundle for a great deal I got the wii console which inclues alot, and a extra wii remote and a wireless sense bar and a numchuck and a air charge induction charger and the wii component cable set 9.8 ft all of these accessories in the bundle for $299. my question is i also bought two Blockhead cordless controllers, do i really need the extra wii remote? the wii console already comes with one and i have the two blockhead controllers so do i really need the extra wii remote?

does the Blockhead cordless controller do the same thing as the wii remote?
let me a link to these controlls and ill help you.
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yeah, that guy is being a douche edit: Those controls will work with gamecube games & some wii games but not all look at the back of your games in the right corner & it will show compatible contollers
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ok but i already have 1 wii remote that came with the console i really dont need the 2nd one do i ? since i have the two blockhead game controllers
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Thanks for your help, since i noticed that a sensor bar is included with the wii can you tell me if the sensor bar that is included in the wii is it wireless? because they sold me a wireless sensor bar in the bundle

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