Dissapointing news


May 5, 2007
Waterloo, ontario, canada
Wii Online Code
Team 17 took out online support and downloadable content out of worms: a space oddity

et's start with the bad news. In our initial interviews with Team17, the developer promised that the Wii exclusive Worms: A Space Oddity would feature a fully hashed-out online component and future downloadable content through WiiConnect24. Well, we've just finished our first hands-on demo with the title and we can state that none of these promised features made it into the end product -- a truth that is beyond disappointing, especially since the Worms franchise is ideally suited for both.

wow i was really looking forward to this game, and i don't mean to be an online whore, but without online i don't think i'm going to get this game...

i already own three worms games, and i'm a big fan of the series, but i think i'll just stick to the ones i already own..

supposably it's a great game otherwise, so if it's cheap, I might reconsider
That's ridiculous! I understand scrapping DLC, but why online!? I'd boycott this game to be quite honest...
it says hands on demo. does that really mean final copy??
Well that game is gonna suck, atleast for hardcore players. The game was fun as hell because of multiplayer. Oh well, I guess you can still play offline multiplayer? I wasn't gonna get it though anyway. I rather play Worms Armageddon on PC.
Not gettin it now.... Unles its like 5 or 10 euro's and I havent got any games to play.

Online is just a waste! Thats THE feature I was waiting for. Downloabable content would be very cool to have as well!

Maybe they will put it in there final version?
If Nintendo would actually get serious about online, maybe the companies making the games with online capabilities would be more inclined to push harder for it, instead of it being one of the first things scrapped because of time constraints (I can almost guarantee you that's what it was). Not that it really matters though, most Nintendo fans don't care about online either way if what I read on message boards is any indicator (and it is :yesnod: ) We'd much rather play offline multiplayer with friends in the same room, right guys?! RIGHT?! :lol:

I'm sure when they [Team 17] said those things, they were under the impression that Nintendo would have - at the least - some news on how/if they'll implement downloadable content.

P.S. Can you tell I'm getting some sort of perverted enjoyment out of this? tehe... :wink:

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