Detailed Wii Set-Up Tutorial

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  • #31
Sorry about the double post but i updated the image and added another Question

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  • #33
if someone has photoshop and wants to remake it be my guest :) i'm not very good at photo editing just minor stuff thanks though
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  • #36
I Updated the Picture with more upto date accessory pictures and addon some additions to it

please make this a sticky for the people who always ask questions lol


Updated questions because nintendo has released new information.
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Dude... There should be a subforum for such detailed and helpful posts as these to give recognition to the users that go out of their way to provide such helpful information. ^.^ Thankies!
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  • #39
It shouldn't matter where you put it as long as its in the view of the front of the Wii Controller remember you will be pointing the Wii controller towards the sensor bar during game play.

I would experiment and see what works best every environment is different and things may effect the wii sensor that you don't know about untill you have played for a while.
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  • #41
I am sorry but that information has not been released yet you'll have to wait the only people who know the answer to that is Nintendo.

I would asume it'll be similar to the ds touch screen set up but i realy don't know.
Umm... >.> So, I hear that there are different, extra cables that you can buy to improve the appearance/picture of the graphics. With the $25-$30 price, do you really think it's worth it?
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  • #45
It realy depends on your tv if you have a Big HDTV then you might want to consider it. It will probly improve the quality some what but because it doesn't even realy support hd then i don't know how much good it would do

Personaly I haven't had much experience with HDTV you could always return the cables or sell them on ebay if they don't do anything.

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