Define The Member Above You

kinda random sometimes. Overall is a decent guy. Can get a little spammy when hyper though. And his sig and location are offensive :lol:
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Jills Enemy, He wants To Overtake Brawny And Jill Because Of Their ENORMOUS Rep... Otherwise, He Is A Good Member And Helper Arond The Forums.


My Best Friend (Besides D.J, Jill, Stanger And Tyler) On here. An Overall GREAT Member With A Freaking ENORMOUS Rep.... Rumors Are Spread About Him At Times...
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at times? you mean all of them. Not really rumors when they are true though :wink:

Dillion is tight. I don't think I've ever seen a bad post from this guy.

a self repping system the once it reaches 10 it will destroy the worl along with Jill. It will then go to another world disguised as a litle girl and take over their rep system and once it reaches a hundred it will do suicide

that is my stop brawny and jil and possibly CPT. McCloud
An awesome guy, who likes zelda, and has an ugly smiley getting shot for an avatar. He respects the rules, and others. Likes peach flavoured ice-tea (dunno really, but he might)
JT. said:
An awesome guy, who likes zelda, and has an ugly smiley getting shot for an avatar. He respects the rules, and others. Likes peach flavoured ice-tea (dunno really, but he might)
i tried mskin avatar bigger but it turned into something so hprrible that i cant describe it

anyways JT.:

good member dunnt break rules, respects peepl and is willing to give me money
Bonodo ~ Never killed anyone I cared about, gives credit where credit's due, owns a wii and lives in a green and pleasent land. He's also deserving of more rep... possibly.

Additionally I have it on good authority that he loves peach flavoured ice tea.
Leviathan, where you been buddy? :] M7ticalm just came back too...conspiracy? :yikes:

Leviathan: Humorous, follows the law of grammar well, good poster,'s hard to remember! It's been so long. >.<

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