Define The Member Above You

Thats a good analogy Luigi. I didnt make the sig, Bubbagump did.
Tails, he wants me to go away has a kick-ass banner and incorectly believes himself to be the biggest Miles "Tails" Prower fan...
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Define Leviathan -
I don't really know the guy but he seems pretty cool and unique :)
Define Wii_Brendo2007:
Brendon is such a cool member who has always sticked with me even in the low times here. He is always happy about something and cheers me up :)
A genuinly nice member who has proved popular on WiiChat.
Lee Jarratt is a genuinely fun individual who is well like, even if he pushes the limits a little to far sometimes. He is British, so I like to imagine he owns a top hat and speaks in an upper-class accent, also he probably drinks tea*.

He appears to like the Cillit Bang advert, although I do not know his feelings on the vastly superior "Tyrannosaurus Alan" adverts.

Finally he's clearly done some things he's not proud of... but that's how we learn, so he's clearly a very learned individual.

*lest anyone accuses me of racism please note
a.) I'm British
b.) I'm being flippant
Hmmm.....Brendo: The guy.....who......Uhh......makes simple yet entertaining sigs....
dumbass - A member i will always remember (until next week)
lee.jarratt said:
dumbass - A member i will always remember (until next week)

Oh your getting a life next week! No way!!! Congrats!!


btw thanks for the comment it was nice :wink:
chach said:
Oh your getting a life next week! No way!!! Congrats!!


btw thanks for the comment it was nice :wink:

np pal, anytime.

Are you wiichats most hated member?
Your an adult, yet you act younger than me.
no hard feelings :)

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