Dear God NO!!!!!!


I won't be buying. First of all, Brawl won't be using this service, its online is going to be free. Secondly, did anyone think of Mario Kart right when they read this? Surely it isn't a coincidence that Mario Kart's online is AMAZING and that they're just now announcing PtP? Hope you guys enjoy Mario Kart online, because I won't be playing.
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I just hope it isn't too much $$$

as i already pay for XBL
if this is true, bye bye Wii and hello XBOX.
if I'm going to pay for a service i want the best out there.

LevesqueIsKing said:

I won't be buying. First of all, Brawl won't be using this service, its online is going to be free. Secondly, did anyone think of Mario Kart right when they read this? Surely it isn't a coincidence that Mario Kart's online is AMAZING and that they're just now announcing PtP? Hope you guys enjoy Mario Kart online, because I won't be playing.
True, if this "Pay to Play" is put into action on Mario Kart, there is NO chance I will be purchasing the game. As good as it may seem, it's not worth the money...especially coming from Nintendo.
Yea like al ot of other people said. Nintendo online's service aint grait but hey its free! So they'd better come up with a very cool service that makes me want to pay!

Else its bye bye online wii games :( Im really curious for what service we would have to pay! Didnt see that one coming from Nintendo thats for sure!


Im not scared for mario kart. That means going from that from a very vague rumor to the actual service in use in less than a month or so for us europeans
^I'll still buy the game, it'll still be great offline especially since I haven't played since the N64 days.

Overall, I think this is a bad move for Nintendo. This is going against everything they've ever stood for. And you know the average gamer is going to think: I have to play for Xbox Live and Nintendo Online, but Nintendo's online still sucks, so I'll get Xbox Live. Even if Nintendo's is cheaper, this is EXACTLY what is going to happen.

An incredibly poor move, Nintendo :(
I wasnt going to buy Mkart anyway...
As wonderful as Xbox is, I'd rather have my Wii with it's limited online capabilities than an Xbox with the same bad shooter repackage many times and called something different.
"Pay to Play" BETTER be referring to DLC. if they start charging you just to play online...

farewell wii, hello 360.
Personally, I trust the Big N. Not to mention I didn't buy a Wii for its awesome online. I bought it for the great and unique titles I knew Nintendo would deliver me.
PacMan200 said:
Personally, I trust the Big N. Not to mention I didn't buy a Wii for its awesome online. I bought it for the great and unique titles I knew Nintendo would deliver me.

true, but with technology moving forward and gaming taking a diff route, wouldn't u want to stick with the new?..... online gaming is a big part of gaming now like it or not, to stick with a console that will only offer u basic features and charge u for it after saying is free, is a slap to the face to all the nintendo fanboys.

nintendo has virtually nothing to charge for. the downloadable content is extremely limited (because theres no real hard drive). the amount of games with online support isnt great. the games that support online play dont have many options.
mario ownz said:
im ok with it......but its just not ninty,i wonder if there going to announce anything else about this.

Surely more details will come out, thats expected.
They owe us that much anyways.

I am not disappointed by this news, hopefully we get more online soon.

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