Current Gen war who's the winner

but what about municiple darwinism?
without it we would be stuck in this generation forever, and no Wii!! :(
Sorry for all the lateness, my bad. There will be a newer version coming without a nintendo fans perspective.

Are there any of you Sony or Microsoft fans out there that could help me on this issue? I cant do it myself.
i really wanted nintendo to win but the facts are the facts

i think the rankings are 1( PS2 or Xbox 2( PS2 or Xbox 3( gamecube
PS2 had some pretty good games and the largest game library while the xbox had some really awesome games (halo, KOTOR) gamecube had ok games but the best was RE4. but in the portable war DS has already "taken the cake" agaisnt the PSP. DS has better games and good wi-fi and PSP just has good features like music and video
PS2, hands down. It easily took it. Followed by Xbox, even though I, myself, didn't buy one. Nintendo didn't do too good in that race. >.< And that was kinda' a lame sentence, but I don't really care. Tired...
Well its all great how cool the consoles WERE, but I'm thinking more along the lines of how cool the consoles ARE.

when people think wii they think:
flash memory storage
Zapper (2?) attachment
(think Resident Evil)
YOUTUBE on my TELEVISION! (what a concept)
weather (meh)
USB ports (ipod compatible? hmmm..)
Despite what people think I have heard the Wii will in fact play DVDs (check the forums) a DVD movie reading program will likely be a downloadable/purchaseable (on disc?) software.
Virtual Console (emulators are great but I'd rather just pay the 5 damn dollars to play the game on my wii, as for games I originaqlly purchased for the console itself I think I should get them for free on my Wii [like cartridge trade in or something])

GAMES on launch:
excite truck
Wii Sports
Wii Play
need 4 speed
+30 VC games inclusing classics like SMB, SF2, SMW, M64, and OoT and probably future releases like Goldeneye, and SSB

STAR WARS (lightsaber battles with the wiimote)
Resident Evil(think of the Zapper Possibilities)
more VC games

all at a $250 pricetag (WiiSports included)
not to mention other wii secrets

when people think PS3 they think:

HD GRAPHICS! (ok thats great, IF you have an HD screen and everything that goes along with it, and you get 1080p, pretty damn nice, but thats IF)
Blu-Ray discs (next gen. ok maybe, but I must say I am impressed with the storage capacity)
Media stuff (Sony could not support online gaming very well in the past due to *coughcough* unknown interference *coughmicrosoftcough* we'll see what happens)
7 bluetooth controller support (damn, I wish nintendo had done more than 4 I mean come on, its WIRELESS)
Plays DVD movies

PROJECT 8 (wow)
tom clancy
fall of man
fight night round 3(rather play it on Wii)
need 4 speed (because of graphics)

I'll take that arm, an you better leave that leg too... $500-$600+ pricetag(no games included)

and finally I think I agree that the xbox doesnt really needed to be argued for, its the middle man... the medium... its kind of set a standard (FOR ITSELF MAYBE!) NOT! Nintendo set the standard, everyone copied, including Microsoft. And when they did that this was what you got.
oh yea
and USB ports

PROJECT 8(why couldn't nintendo have this title damnit!)
spliner cell
civil war
star trek

$300-$500 pricetag(no games here either)

In conclusion best being the first

PS3-5 points
360-3 points
Wii-2 points

OS interaction and functionality:

Gaming innovation:

Backwards Compatibility:
(all consoles are backwards compatible, so it was a close run but)
Wii-3 (because of VC)
PS3-2 (because there were 2 before it and it plays all PS, PS2, and PS3 games)
360-1 (well, it came last so it comes last)


And looks like the Wii wins to me!


Biased? maybe...

But seriously here, they're all great systems its all wht you're looking for (and how much dough you're willing to fork out)
According to Wikipedia this is how the sales go for all four 6th generation consoles.

1. Playstation 2 - 111.25 million
2. Xbox - 24 million
3. Gamecube - 21.20 million
4. Dreamcast - 10.6 million

This means that if you add all the sales from Xbox, GC and DC the PS2 would still outsell them.
although it pains me to say it the PS2 won this generation.
I was bron into a Nintendo loving family so it is pretty obvious i'd choose nintendo over anything else. i can't wait for the wii to come out!
but since this thread is about the current generation, i'll post about the nintendo gamecube.
the gamecube may be tawdry to others, but not me. this is my opinion so don't go arguing with me. nintendo rules the gaming era. if you want to say otherwise, fine with me but i think nintendo is best. some of the games are suited for family fun, as does the wii. that's why it isn't popular as the playstation, because only teens or whatever play it. with the gamecube, the whole family can play the games from the best-seller super smash bros. melee to the ever favored mario party series. the gamecube, once again in my opinion, wins hands down.
for the next generation, i still believe that nintendo is best so i'm sticking to the wii. even if it isn't as falshy as the PS3, the wii has an interesting gameplay also.
sure the playstation consoles do more than the nintendo ones but what does that matter. i choose the console i feel deserves to be recognized most.

the playstation consoles may win the generation war in reality, but in my book nintendo wins anyday.
I couldn't be bothered to read this entire thread, so I'll simply answer the question. In the current gen war, the winner is the consumer. Competition has driven down prices and sparked innovation. We have plenty of options for everyone.

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