Cube mode


Bleach & Heroes fan.
Jan 14, 2007
Soul Society
I never owned a gamecube but now i am playing mario sunshine on the wii. but since the remote doesnt work when the wii is in gamecube mode, how do you turn it off?
do you press the power button once or do you hold it until wiiconnct24 activates.
Press or Hold?
ericlewis91 said:
use the home button
When you're playing in "cube mode" the remote cannot communicate with the wii. So pushing wii-remote buttons doesn't do anything.
At least that's the way it is on the 2 wii's at my house.

We just press the power button.
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zerboxx said:
When you're playing in "cube mode" the remote cannot communicate with the wii. So pushing wii-remote buttons doesn't do anything.
At least that's the way it is on the 2 wii's at my house.

We just press the power button.
great thanks everyone.

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