Gamecube on Wii


Playin' Zack & Wiki
Aug 17, 2007
Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
Wii Online Code
Am I missing something here? Does anyone else get annoyed by this? I play mostly Gamecube games on my Wii, and whenever I turn on my Wii, I have to skip past that Health and Safety screen and click on the Gamecube channel with my Wii Remote. I know it isn't a big deal, but since I keep everything tucked away and organized I hate having to take out my Wii Remote just to play Gamecube games. Why can't I press A on the Gamecube controller to go past the health and safety screen and press A again to get onto the Gamecube channel?

Is there another way around this? Thanks!
When you start up the Wii, it begins the process in Wii mode, so GC accessories will not work. After you select the GC game via the Disc Channel, the GC mode is then activated, allowing you to play GC games. So overall, you will need the Wiimote for the initial start-up.
I don't see why they can't make it like the classic controller, which you can use to control the hand on screen. I, also find it annoying I have to get out my wiimote.
Nintendo93 said:
Is there another way around this? Thanks!

Try playing GCN games on your GCN? Quick and easy solution...
I find it annoying as well and along with the fact you need to shut off the system after finishing your game.

Hopefully a future update or something fixes this.
manufan15 said:
C'mon guys, don't be so lazy. It wastes what? 10 seconds of your time.

Yes, but the way I look at it, it really doesn't need to waste any of your time.
It should be an easy and simple to do, go from one system to another. But its not, and thats where my disappoint lies.
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CantGetAWii said:
Yes, but the way I look at it, it really doesn't need to waste any of your time.
It should be an easy and simple to do, go from one system to another. But its not, and thats where my disappoint lies.
It is simple. You pick up the wii remote and press the disc channel, and then you press start. It's not like calculus. But whatever. It doesn't really matter because there isn't a way around it as of now.
manufan15 said:
It is simple. You pick up the wii remote and press the disc channel, and then you press start. It's not like calculus. But whatever. It doesn't really matter because there isn't a way around it as of now.

Yes, but we are not just talking about starting it up.
We are also talking after you are done playing, you need to turn it off and back on again if you want to switch games, rather than have you use the remote to go back home.

That is what we want to happen, thats what we are saying here.
I never really noticed it as a inconvenience because I usually play a game until I get tired of playing period not change to another game but I see what you guys are talking about.
The only annoyance I see is that the manual doesn't explain any of this as normal behavior--it feels broken if you have to eject and reset the machine to get out of GameCube mode. I only discovered this method accidentally and it still feels like I'm rebooting my PC after a freeze up!
Yeah, I booted it up to play Metroid Prime and I was sitting there for ten minutes trying to click the safety thing XD

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