Create Your Own Map


WiiChat Member
Dec 23, 2006
Hey guys, I was just wondering do the have any wii games where you can create your own map? ex: halo 3 (i think, havent played it), tony hawk games. I like these Because you can create really hard maps then dish out some fun on multiplayer, anyway just curious.
Mysims would be about it.
Hopefully timesplitters will turn up sooner rather then later. They (cant remember hte studio) have recenty stated that Wii would be a good platform for the franchise. I think they are probably looking at the 360/PS3 completition in the first person games and thinking that Wii may be a better option.

If I remmebr correctly, it had a pretty good map creation tool. And if they take a lead from MOA H2 and get with the 32 player online, it could be great
Griff said:
Hopefully timesplitters will turn up sooner rather then later. They (cant remember hte studio) have recenty stated that Wii would be a good platform for the franchise. I think they are probably looking at the 360/PS3 completition in the first person games and thinking that Wii may be a better option.

If I remmebr correctly, it had a pretty good map creation tool. And if they take a lead from MOA H2 and get with the 32 player online, it could be great

Last I played TP:2 that map editor was really good. It increased game life by a long time. I'd like to see a game from this series appear on the Wii and I would also like to see how they've expanded on these options.
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Griff said:
Hopefully timesplitters will turn up sooner rather then later. They (cant remember hte studio) have recenty stated that Wii would be a good platform for the franchise. I think they are probably looking at the 360/PS3 completition in the first person games and thinking that Wii may be a better option.

If I remmebr correctly, it had a pretty good map creation tool. And if they take a lead from MOA H2 and get with the 32 player online, it could be great

hey just wondering whats MOA H2?
If they make a TimeSplitters 3, maybe it will. Time Splitters 2 had it for GC.
there is a timesplitters 3.

its timesplitters future perfect, about a 2 year old now.

but yeah timesplitters is my favourite FPS of all time

huge character selection, mapmaker, excellent weapon selection.
amazing single and solo player, and co-op player, brilliant games.

amazing if it came to wii
Red-Streak said:
there is a timesplitters 3.

its timesplitters future perfect, about a 2 year old now.

but yeah timesplitters is my favourite FPS of all time

huge character selection, mapmaker, excellent weapon selection.
amazing single and solo player, and co-op player, brilliant games.

amazing if it came to wii

Oh yeah I know. Sorry I meant timesplitters 4, sorry. I've played both 2 and 3. I just get confused because it's called futre perfect, and not 3.
They are making timesplitter four and makers have announced thay are highly attracted to wii remote

it seems our pryers have been answered

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