Couple General Questions


Wii Newby
Dec 16, 2007
Heart of New Jersey
Hey everyone, I have a couple questions. 1) Is there anywhere where I can get an extra Guitar Hero 3 guitar? I can't seem to find any online. 2) What exactly can you do with a Mii? I'm not sure what all the features are. 3) What can I do with the internet on my Wii?
If you want, send me your Mii codes.

1) you could go to your closest game shop and ask about it, 2) when you create a mii it is what you will play as in wii sports and in other various games such as mario and sonic at the olympics 3) you can do just about everything you can do on a computer except download things like games and stuff i think, the interent can be used to check e-mails and other various things
hope this helped :) what i said might not be right, so if any one wants to correct me, please do so :D
That's a pretty descriptive, on question 2 though- in case you never knew you can customize them, I prefer to make funny celebrities and personalities I know. I don't have many (15) but that'll start to grow soon.
you can get a program for your PC that lets you edit your mii futher, so you can make them have gold pants and things like that

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