Countdown From A Million


I do. It's not hard at all.

Damn that Ganon / Kirby match
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I didn't teach you anything, exactly. :lol: You're all set, I don't think there's anything left for me to teach you about Project M.
(Unless you want to learn how to grab / pivot grab out of Ike's QD, if you don't already know how to do that.)

Also, don't rely on Counter too much. I don't like it. It calmed down near the end when you were only resorting to it when you had to though.

I got that. I'm pretty bad with WiiChucks...l overall actually.

Wasn't trying to counter all the time. Sometimes I try hitting Side-B, and it just doesn't.

You should stick around and 1v1 MR. I have to do something right now but when I come back, do you want to have a free-for-all?

You can even try to convince 'Karpmod to join if you want.

If he's still here. Otherwise I'm gonna get something to eat. Be back in a few hours.
I'll wait 10 mins.

Got my code? I guess you didn't find it. lol Trago payed attention and did
(psst, it's my "wii friend code" on the left)