Countdown From A Million


Was just about to post my status/dilemma in a Smash topic.

Well... yes and no.
I'm able to load it up and play it fine. But no Wifi : ( Keep getting code errors.
On the other hand, I can play vBrawl on wifi just fine. I even found a couple matches in Basic Brawl.
I'm looking into it right now. (aka google for the past few hours)

No, I didn't register. I'm pretty sure that's only required if you have an old save that you didnt want to delete? I never had a save on my Wii U before the shutdown, so no friend code could be registered.
I might've found something, can't test it till I get home. I'll try your codeset if it comes to it.
Will later, if I can't solve it soon.
Also heard PC <-> Wii/U connectivity was possible. I mean, I know Wii U and Wii can play together. If worse comes to worse...

Oh, so you have a new save. That should be easier. Well, test it whenever you can. Just tell me when you have the Wi-Fi working.

Of course. And I trust you can teach me some basic PM fundamentals when it does.

I'm not the right person to ask, lol...but I'll try to teach you some basics. That I know.
You've been active-ish in the community, so I'd assume you'd know something, or rather most things, I don't know.
I've got it to work(?) btw, still need to test to be sure.

L-Cancel is the first thing you must learn in PM and Melee
I'm not THAT out of it.
Mostly need tips in PM specifically.