Countdown From A Million


Hafemlux Pachirisu or an Hafemlux Espurr or both
y u so poketroll

I might be able to get you a HA Espurr. IIRC I only have one that isn't in a Luxury Ball, so.....I'll have to keep looking.
About the Pachirusu, I probably can't get you that. :lol: Unless I miraculously have one in my Friend Safari; I'll double-check now.

All I want is a Quick Claw, if you can spare one. Oh, and you have to play Project M with me tomorrow. That is all.

Cant spare quick claw
but I will try to pm

Also takes this swinub

its got good egg moves

Though I need to bank first

Don't really care, I probably have a Mamoswine of my own already with my intended moveset.
If it's a bother, I don't need the Swinub. Just play Project M tomorrow. :lol:

Try what? Project M? You've never gone online before?
Just wait there then. I'm coming. But I might need to leave sooner or later.