Countdown for NOA Event *15 Days*


Aug 6, 2006
Countdown for NOA Event *TOMORROW*

Hey guys, okay this is a thread that we want to keep active, show your excitment and hopes here! There is currently 1 more days after today until the event will happen at 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM (North America standard Eastern Time)

Things were looking forward to (that will hopefully come):
Wii Release Date
Wii Price
More Online Info (online gaming for the Wii)
Controller details (rechargeable batteries?)

Feel free to relpy new things we're looking forward to!

(yes the thread name will be off on the days for the display but in here it will be right)
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I know this sounds noob, but what does NOA stand for? And i'm hoping for a Twilight Princess release date, but I doubt there won't be one till next year or so.
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Wiired said:
Is it guaranteed that we'll get the release date and price this date? or just a rumour?

right i forgot i added (that will hopefully come) it is not confirmed but the chance of it is higher than ever
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sKin said:
I know this sounds noob, but what does NOA stand for? And i'm hoping for a Twilight Princess release date, but I doubt there won't be one till next year or so.

NOA stands for Nintendo Of America, but I will call you noob for the Zelda release date, it's a launch title!
Sovieto said:
NOA stands for Nintendo Of America, but I will call you noob for the Zelda release date, it's a launch title!

Oh... duh :tard:

And I heard Nintendo was pushing back Zelda till next year... right? I don't think it's going to be a launch title.
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No they would never do that, its been the most speculated wanted launch title forever, MP3 might be pushed back though, that's just a rumor though.
i'm PRETTY sure they'll give out a release date, i mean its almost like the last show they doing right? and november is getting close, its only a matter of time, so they should
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well i heard that nintendo wont be holding a keynote speech at the tokyo gaming show? i dont know, this has to be it, sep 23 would be to late, they need quite a bit to advertise
Yeah... SInce Tomorrow Is September, They Better Start Leaking Out Some Secrets...
Well I do recall nintendo saying all that good stuff would be revealed in September and since this meeting on the 14th is the biggest thing nin is having that month I'm sure they will come clean with the wii and everything they have planned for it.

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