Could this be the end of Wii

by the looks of the technology/features going into it it will cost more than the but seriously the only thing that will make the PS3 sell more than the wii is its price. even then people will most likely opt for the wii because of it dedication to the fun side of gaming, not the side that has you doing the same old thing as what you did with the consoles predecessor.
think about it, playstation have decided to put everything they could in a console and they come out with better graphics is all, the wii on the otherhand has decent graphics, a whole new style of gameplay, and a console that puts you in REAL control of the character onscreen.

sony can do what they like and release what they like but nintendo already has them beat.
NOOOOO way. ahh, noo.. lol

it DOES seem pretty awesome.. BUT, i cant say that. its not cool. lol
i LOVE the Wii. and i dont wanna go thinking about "OMG i need a PS3
because of that dang glove". blahh, i wanna touch things! nooo, i dont.
IcedEarth81 said:
Didn't Nintendo try this once upon a time?
Nope it was for the nintendo however it was some American Virtual Realitry Company or something like that, that made the Power Glove

Anyhoo if they actually make this..glove:nonod:
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Well eventually the consoles will need to have motion sensing won't they? Or there won't be much progress... so might aswell start copying now, right?
this will be great for Sony if they get it done. I also hear they're working on some more original ideas like tweaking their online system which be soon called Playstation Live, and they're going to make a light gun, and their next system will be called Playstation64. Good things, all good things.
I hope that was trying to be funny because I did get a bit of a chuckle out of PS64 hehe, but wasn't the Wii going to initially do something like this? (might've been just a hack though or something). Anyways. The new Nintendo system will probably have something like this, maybe not as extensive and competitive but still a bit of fun. But all in all Sony get off your arsses and think of new things instead of trying to make a profit off other concoles. (If they do go along with this, they can't accuse Nintendo of copying the 'Oh so great Playstation Home').
Considering the article is from
ps3news, we can guarantee that this is an exaggeration.

The Playstation will have to market to non-gamers to be able to catch up with the Wii.


Also, the device itself looks to have little to no protection. It will not be able to get you to feel anything whilst your hand is outstretched - the pressure stems from the resistence in clenching your fist. Although this is a new way to play games, I can't see it being as versatile as the Wiimote/accessories. Unless of course, you're planning on only having FPS and the like...
Sounds interesting.....sounds like a wii rip-off but i really don't care if it feels good and works good with gameplay and all then I may get a ps3.
Is it just me but "The device is even able to give you a tactile feedback. That is, you will be able to “feel” when you pick up or press something on the screen" sounds like a wind up that comes straight out of sci fi.

Not gonna happen.
Celestial said:
Well eventually the consoles will need to have motion sensing won't they? Or there won't be much progress... so might aswell start copying now, right?

Thats bob on for me! if theres a good idea that selling well and making gaming better for all of us, they might aswell make it better. no matter who makes it.. i welcome it..godfather on the wii shows how far we have come and what we can do with the sandbox style game..

bring it all on!! :eek:)
Well, i'm happy with my Wii, thank you very much.

I wonder what games would come out for this PS3 glove?

My suggestion would be that you control the hands of Sony's CEO, and one 'task' is to shake his fists and curse Nintendo for coming up with a revolutionary console, yet again.
they have probally seen this and tried to do it


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