cool little message on Wii Message Board


WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2007
Hi everyone :)

My older brothers and have a lot of fun trying to make it on the Wii Mesage Board. I was wondering which Wii games send messages on the Wii Message Board? On Wii Sports when you get a training mode medal it makes it on to the Wii message board. Are there any other games like that?

Last week when I finished Zelda Twilight Princess I thought some cool little message would pop up on the message board, but it didnt :(
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Thanks kingkoy :)

We tried getting that game today from Target but the lady there said the book shows it wont be in till the 15th. Our $50 Target gift card is making us get it from there.

So, you "think" wii play does it? We were trying to get wii play in hopes it has that little feature. The anticipation of the 15th, its exciting :)
I can confirm for you that if you get a medal in WiiPlay, then a message will go onto the message board. I just went and got a Gold Medal on the shooting game, and sure enough, a message came up. I've had the game since the 7th of December cause that's when it was released in Australia.
kidtmnt said:
Thanks kingkoy :)

We tried getting that game today from Target but the lady there said the book shows it wont be in till the 15th. Our $50 Target gift card is making us get it from there.

So, you "think" wii play does it? We were trying to get wii play in hopes it has that little feature. The anticipation of the 15th, its exciting :)

Yeah it certainly does. I played WiiPlay for about 2 hours straight when i got it today. I got up to Gold medals on almost all the games and when I finished and checked my message board I had 16 messages! They just kept poping up and even spilled onto a second page (first time I've had that happen). There was a new message for getting to each level of medals.
Also, I know this isn't out yet... and I'm certainly not expecting too soon, but Animal Crossing is suppose to use the Message Board quite a lot. I think I read somewhere that they will use it to announce events like concerts. :eek:

Sounds cool!
Yeah Animal Crossing definately will have it..nice nickname by the way kidTMNT!
it's on Wikipedia for starters but Wikipedia obviously got it from the E3 2006
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Thanks for the conformation :) Finally got Wii Play yesterday. Lady said 15th but it came in the 14th. Lucky us we checked yesterday they would have been sold out on the 15th. Congrats on the Gold Medal in the shooting game :thumbsup: It's a great feeling, getting a new medal.

So you've had Wii Play since December 7th :shocked: We're months behind here in the US. Do you know any good Australian online video game stores?


Thanks for the extra conformation. 16 messages and a 2nd page!!! Thats wild :)


I've never tried Animal Crossing. I saw it the other day in the greatest hits section. I'm thinking about getting it.

How long does it usually take before games get on the greatest hits section? We got Mario Sunshine for like $50, the year after we saw it in greatest hits for like $20.

TMNT ROCKS :D The new TMNT(Wii) is coming out in the US on March 20th. This time its made by Ubisoft. I dont get what went wrong when they were with Konami. Konami usually makes really good games.

Thanks for your reply's everyone :)
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Do any of you know if WarioWare: Smooth Moves has this feature of sending high scores or the like to the Wii Mesage Board?
kidtmnt said:
Do any of you know if WarioWare: Smooth Moves has this feature of sending high scores or the like to the Wii Mesage Board?

no it doesnt

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