controller price?

30$ American is the usual price for name brand controllers here. Plus all the gizmos and gadgets on the Wii, I'd add at least 10$. Guess I won't be throwing mine much... Too much money.
phimuajedi69 said:
yeah, hopefully it won't be as bad as the 360 controllers, i just looked at them the other day and was shocked to see a $50 price tag on them (about 30 lbs i think)

30 lbs.>?< We aren't lifting dumbells here, its a controller.
stu, it has to include the Virtual console because when you hook to the wireless connection, you get the virtual console on it.
pit18 said:
stu, it has to include the Virtual console because when you hook to the wireless connection, you get the virtual console on it.

no what i meant was it doesnt include the controller for it
^--never been a problem in the past, don't see why nintendo would screw it up now....that and i think the controller is gonna be fairly solid when you think about all the stuff they're putting in an undersized remote
Well, I'm guessing the Wii is gonna include the remote + nunchuk controller...

So I just need a classic controller and possibly the gun.

Hopefully the classic controller without remote ofcoarse stays under $20 US.

As for the gun $30 US sounds about right in my books.
Yeh that's what I'm thinking whats the point unless they bring out something like "Duck Hunter to the MAX"
the gun makes FPS more realistic, I wouldn't think it would be too pricey since its really a shell the wiimote plugs into and not another full function remote.
yeah I guess but still its just an accesory that really isn't needed

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