Connecting without wireless


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2007
What do I need to buy in order to connect my wii to the net without using a wireless connection?
believe its so much easier 2go wireless it prob cost the same, i think There is a wired way but nintendo has released one yet thought
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Isn't there a USB adaptor? When I went into Best buy they wanted to sell me about $200 worth of stuff, I know a guy who said he bought a little USB plug in that connected wirelessly (although he doesn't have a wirelss connection) but I don't know what it's called and apparantly the store doesn't know about things that don't cost an arm and a leg (so I want to know what it's called so I can get the right thing).
You can get a Nintendo Wireless thing (especially if you have a DS) or you can get the Wii Ethernet Adaptor.
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By wireless it's just a matter of getting a wireless router?
Can I still keep my computer hooked up to the other router (I do online banking etc)?
Does that work?
Kremily1 said:
By wireless it's just a matter of getting a wireless router?
Can I still keep my computer hooked up to the other router (I do online banking etc)?

yea, the wireless router will have ethernet ports on the back to plug an ethernet cable into.
Kremily1 said:
By wireless it's just a matter of getting a wireless router?
Can I still keep my computer hooked up to the other router (I do online banking etc)?
Does that work?
Online banking that will depend if da bank site excepts da browser. When i had a pda it wouldn't let me because they didn't support my yea browser

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